Britain declares war on Germany
This initiated Canada's involvement. -
Incarceration of Enemy Aliens
In 1914 the Canadian Government quickly enacted the federal War Measures Act. Enemy Aliens were citizens of states at war with Canada who stayed in Canada during the war. Those states included Ukrainians, Germans, Austrians, Hungarians and Croatians. 8000 of these people were arrested and sent to camps and lost most of there freedom and rights. -
1st Canadian Division Arrives
First group of soldiers arrived in France from England, and proceeded to Belgium. -
Battle of Ypres
The German army released poisonous gas against the Canadian troops during the second battle of Ypres. When this gas was breathed in their lungs painfully burned and many choke to death. -
Women of Manitoba get to vote
Manitoba was the first Canadian province to allow women the right to vote. -
The Income War Tax Act
The first form of income tax was introduced in Canada to help pay for war efforts. -
Battle of Vimy Ridge
Four Canadian divisions captured Vimy Ridge in France, with 3578 killed and 7000 wounded. -
Military Service Act
An act passed by the government that made most male British subjects up to 45 years of age liable for Conscription. -
Halifax Ship Explosion
In Halifax, a French munition ship collided with a Belgian relief ship. This resulted with an explosion that killed more than 1,600 people and injured 9,000. -
End of WW1
The Armistice was signed and the war officially ended. Canadian troops were sent home.