world war one prod

By riyan_w
  • machine guns

    machine guns
    Almost all machine guns were based on Hiram maxims 1884 design This gun fires 450-600 rounds per one point they thought the machine gun would replace the rifle.
  • rifles

    The most common guns used by the major combatants were among the allies. These weapons started in Germany during ww1, the most commonly used rifle used was Lee-Enfield.303.
  • Gavrilo Princip

    Gavrilo Princip
    at 19 Gavrilo assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and the Archduke's wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohnberg in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914.his accomplices were arrested and implicated as a nationalist secret society, which caused ww1
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

     Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian terrorist apart of the Black hand, which was one of the main causes of world war one including the acronym M.A.I.N (militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism
  • aircraft

    1914 the use of aircraft became widespread during world war 1. early aircraft were flimsy,kite-like designs of lightweight wood, fabric, and wires .The 80 -120 horsepower engines in 1914 produced speeds of 100mph or less
  • submaries

    Britain, France, Russia, and the United States of America had all developed submarines forces before Germany began development of its U-boats
  • women's roles

    women's roles
    women were recruited into vacated by men who had gone to fight.more jobs were created to help the war. many women volunteered on the home front as nurses and teachers. They volunteered for the money and patriotism
  • animals

    over 16 million animals served in world war 1. They were used for transport, communication and companionship.som animals used were Horses, Donkeys, Mules, and camels and these animals carried food, ammunition, and medical supplies to men in the front .dogs and pigeons carried messages
  • trench warfare

    trench warfare
    trench warfare is a type of combat in which opposing troops fight from trenches facing each other, France fought using trench warfare. the trenches were long narrow ditches dug into the ground , they were very muddy uncomfortable and toilets overflowed . theses conditions caused trench foot
  • battle of the marne

    battle of the marne
    1st battle of the Marne an offensive during ww1 by the French army and the British Expeditionary force against the advancing Germans who had invaded Belgium and Northeastern France and were thirty miles of Paris. this led to four years of trench warfare stalemate, its called the battle of marne because it saved the french from humiliating and total defeat. (started Sept 6 ended Sept 12, 1914)
  • the battle of Ypres

    the battle of Ypres
    The battle of Ypres was a battle of ww1 fought on the western front around Ypres in West Flanders Belgium. This battle was a key to the British hold on this sector of the Western Front. The goal was encircling french forces along the franco-germans border and winning a quick victory.
  • mortars

    the British introduced the strokes mortars design in 1915.t mortars had no moving parts and could fire up to 22 three-inch shells per minute with the range of 1,200 yards
  • flamethrower

    the flamethrower was created by german scientist Richard Fielder.though they weren't really used till later during the war and there were rumors and reports of the use of these in ancient china
  • poison gas

    poison gas
    on April 22, 1915, German artillery fired cylinders containing chlorine gas in Ypres area, nations raced to created gases and while this the gases got more severe as time went on
  • Lusitania

    The Lusitania was a British luxury cruise ship and at one point it was the biggest ship in the world. the sinking of the Lusitania was an important event in world war 1 because there were deaths of many people at the hands of the germans galvanized American support for entering the war.
  • Battle of verdun

    Battle of verdun
    (started fed 21 ended Dec 18, 1916)battle of Verdun ww1 engagement in which the french repulsed a major German offensive. it was one of the longest, bloodiest and most ferocious battles of the war. French casualties amounted to about 400,000, (german ones to about 350,000 . some 300,000 were killed
  • battle of Somme

    battle of Somme
    (started July 1, 1916, ended Nov 18, 1916)The battle of the Somme was a joint operation between British and French forces intended to achieve a victory over Germans on the Western front after 18 months of trench deadlock. For many people, the Battle of Somme was the battle that symbolized the horrors of warfare in ww1 .this battle had a marked effect on overall casualty figures
  • tanks

    the long-awaited weapon became reality during ww1. The tank was the name the British used as they secretly made this weapon. initially, Tanks were doled out in small numbers to support infantry attacks
  • Zimmermann telegram

    Zimmermann telegram
    the Zimmermann telegram was a secret diplomatic communication issued from the german foreign office in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico
  • wilsons 14 points

    wilsons 14 points
    a statement of principles for peace that was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end ww.1
  • the treaty of versilles

    the treaty of versilles
    The treaty required Germany to disarm, make ample territorial concessions, and pay reparation to certain countries that had formed the entente. This treaty ended the war.
  • League of Nations

    League   of   Nations
    the League of Nations was an international organization founded after the Paris peace conference. its goals were disarmament, preventing war through collective security, settling disputes between countries through negotiation diplomacy and improving global welfare.