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Important people in ww1

World War 1 important people

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    Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Franz Ferdinand was an Austrian archduke and a Hungarian and Bohemian prince. His assassination led to the start of World War 1.
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    Wilhelm II

    Wilhelm II, the German Kaiser (emperor) and the king of Prussia from 1888 to 1918, was one of the most recognizable public figures of World War I. He gained a reputation as a swaggering militarist through his speeches and ill-advised newspaper interviews.
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    Gavrilo Princip

    Gavrilo Princip was a Serbian nationalist who became the catalyst for World War I when he assassinated Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on June 28th, 1914. The murder started a chain reaction that led to the beginning of the war only one month later.
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    Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson, the 28th U.S. president, led America through World War I and crafted the Versailles Treaty's "Fourteen Points," the last of which was creating a League of Nations to ensure world peace.