WW1 History Timeline

By 202213
  • Franz Ferdinand was assasinated

    Franz Ferdinand was assasinated
    Gavrilo Princip, a member Serbian nationalist group, had plotted the murder of Franz Ferdinand, he and his group wanted to bring down the Austro-Hungarian and reunite the Slavs. Serbia was blamed for the assassination. This event started the uprising of WW1.
  • Germany's new technology is introduced at war

    Germany's new technology is introduced at war
    Germany had many new inventions they wanted to show to the opposing side. The weapons include deadly poison gas, machine guns, U-boats, and aircraft.
  • Germans sink the Lusitania

    Germans sink the Lusitania
    America warned Germany that any lives lost in submarine attacks would be blamed on them. They ignored the threat and a U-boat torpedoed the Lusitania near the coast of Ireland.
  • Lenin leads Bolshevik Revolution

    Lenin leads Bolshevik Revolution
    Nicholas the 2nd gave up his throne, riots were popping up everywhere and a group called the Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin overthrew the new government the Russians had created
  • Americans join the batte

    Americans join the batte
    While the revolution was shaking Germany and Russia, Americans were ready to join the fight. John J. Pershing was the supreme commander of the AEF and had them ready by spring to join the battle.
  • The end of America's neutrality

    The end of America's neutrality
    President Wilson hoped to stay out of WW1, but with the attack or the Lusitania and now the Zimmerman telegram, he decided we can't stay neutral anymore, Congress then passed the declaration of war.
  • The fight in Argonne Forest

    The fight in Argonne Forest
    The allies began an attack, 1 million Americans joined the allies. This battle was the biggest ever in American history and lasted a long seven weeks. The Germans faced an invasion of their own country. The Allied victory brought hope and heroism.
  • World War 1 ends

    World War 1 ends
    Germany struggled on the Western Front and all of its allies were being defeated. Austria-Hungary broke apart, Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia declared Independence. Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire Surrendered to the Allied powers.
  • There is peace

    There is peace
    The armistice had begun and Germany withdrew all land forces west of the Rhine River. They surrendered all equipment and the fighting had all stopped. The war was finally over at last.
  • Germany seeks assistance

    Germany seeks assistance
    When the war was over Germany was in ruin and in need of supplies. The German government asked for help from Wilson and he consented under certain conditions, promise not to renew fighting and to leave Belgium and France.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The Allies and Germany signed the Treaty, Germany accepted that they were the cause of the war, Germany also had to pay millions of dollars to the allies. This treaty created and patched up nations, disputes along borders lead to future conflicts.
  • The senate rejects the treaty

    The senate rejects the treaty
    Months after Woodrow Wilson had his stroke opposition on rose in opposition against the Treaty of Versailles. Because of a new election the senate passed the Treaty of Peace.