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  • The war begins

    The war begins
    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. Russia begins mobilizing its troops, war declared by Germany
  • Germany

    This is when Germany declares war on Russia, France, and Belgium, Britain declares war on Germany. Austria declares war on Russia. Montenegro declares war on Austria. France declares war on Austria. Britain declares war on Austria. Montenegro declares war on Germany. Japan declares war on Germany. Austria declares war on Belgium.
  • The Battle

    The Battle
    The battle of Tannenberg is fought between Germany and Russia, but Germany defeat the Russia Second Army. It started to get deeper
  • Advancing

    This is when Germanys army stopped before the Paris by the British and French at the First battle of the Marne, Then Germany starts to dig in and four years of trench warfare has begin.
  • Allies

    This is the time where the Allies defeat the Germans at the first Battle of Ypres, German attacks took place for the next four weeks but with the arrival of the French Army the line was held. With the weather deteriorating, the Germans decided to abandon the Ypres offensive on the 22nd November. It is estimated that about 135,000 Germans were killed or badly wounded during the offensive.
  • Blockade

    It became more deeper and now the British begin a naval blockade of Germany, It was a prolonged naval operation conducted by the Allied Powers, especially Great Britain, during and after World War I to restrict the maritime supply of goods to the Central Powers, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary.
  • Empire

    Now everything gets crazier, The Ottoman Empire wants to declare war on the Allies
  • Unofficial

    Its Christmas and a unofficial truce wants to declare between the two sides now they was a spontaneous outburst of hostility towards the killing. On 24th December, arrangements were made between the two sides to go into No Mans Land to collect the dead.
  • The war continues

    The war continues
    Germans begins to use the submarines against the allied merchant ships around the island of Britain to get to them.
  • Attack

    The Allies started to attack the Ottoman Empire at the Battle of Gallipoli but the campaign will last over 8 months it was long and it will end with victory for the Ottomans and the retreat of the Allies.
  • Ship

    The Lusitania a big ship, luxury British passenger ship was sunk by a German submarine, 1, 195 civilians were killed and this act sparks a international outrage and contributes to the United States has joined the war against Germany.
  • Enter

    Now Bulgaria wants to join the war and they delcaring war on Serbia now.
  • Result

    The Battle of Verdun Begins between France and Germany, but this battle will last until December of 1916 and will finally result in a French victory.
  • Largest Battle

    Largest Battle
    The largest Battle of the war was the Battle of Jutland and was fought Between Britain and Germany in the North Sea.
  • Soldiers

    It was hard times and not easy so many soldiers died. The Battle of Somme begins and over 1 million soldiers are wounded or kille.
  • Telegram

    The British intercept the Zimmerman Telegram in which helped the Germany trie to convince Mexico to help them in the war, this will result in the United State declaring war on Germany.
  • Revolution

    Now this starts The Russian revolution and it begins, Tsar Nicholas ll is removed from all power on Mach 15
  • United State

    United State
    The United State has enter the war and they have declared war on Germany, they also were Fighting since the summer of 1914, Britain, France, and Russia welcomed news that American troops and supplies would be directed toward the Allied war effort.
  • Overthrow

    The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin and he overthrow the Russian Government.
  • Peace

    The Russians agrees to having peace with the Central powers and leave the war.
  • Peace

    The President Woodrow Wilson issues his " Fourteen Points " to gain peace and to end the war.
  • Deployed

    Germany will launches the Spring Offensive hoping and welling it will defeat the Allies before reinforcements from the United State can be deployed.
  • Second Battle

    Second Battle
    The second Battle of the Marne begins now and this battle will end on August 6 as a decisive victory for the Allies.
  • Fighting comes to the end

    Fighting comes to the end
    Time is almost here and Germany agrees to an armistice and the fighting comes to an end at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month
  • The war is over

    The war is over
    All the nations have agreed to stop fighting and while the terms of peace were negotiated they came down to a agreement, and The allied Nations signed the Treaty of Versailles, formally ending the war