• Period: to


  • Archduke Assassinated

    Archduke Assassinated
    The archduke of France, Franz Ferdinand was assassinated
  • Austria and Serbia

    Austria and Serbia
    Austria declares war on Serbia
  • Germany and Russia

    Germany and Russia
    Germany declares war on Russia
  • The First Shot

    The First Shot
    The first shot was fired by a British soldier because were advancing in huge number towards the British Expeditionary Force.
  • First Zeppelin Raid

    First Zeppelin Raid
    On January 19th the first Zeppelin raid took raid took place in Britain
  • Italy enters the war

    Italy enters the war
    Italy declares war on Germany and Austria
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    Start of the Battle of Verdun
  • Russian Troops Open Fire

    Russian Troops Open Fire
    Russian troops of Czar Nicholas the second open fire on St. Petersburg killing hundreds and is now known as Bloody Sunday
  • U.S. and Germany

    U.S. and Germany
    The U.S declares war on Germany
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed by the Germans after the war