WW1 Events

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were shot in Siberia near a bar, by a young Bosnia member by the name of Gavrilo Princip. This was the start to World War 1.
  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • Austria-Hungary invades Russia

    Austria-Hungary invades Russia
    The Austria-Hungary empire declares war on Russia and sends German troops to attack them. The plot to the war thickens and the battles begin.
  • The Blockade of Germany

    The Blockade of Germany
    Great Britain worked to block off the main supply of goods to Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey. This was to stop all the materials from getting to their enemies.
  • Italy declares war on Great Britain and France

    Italy declares war on Great Britain and France
    Italy left the triple alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary and started a war with them.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The Germans attacked Verdun to make sure of their victory on the Western front. They wanted to get rid of their army before it grew stronger.
  • Battle of Verdun Ends

    Battle of Verdun Ends
    The French takes the victory in the Battle of Verdun and conquers the Germans.
  • United States Declares War With Germany

    United States Declares War With Germany
    The United States of America began war with Germany because they wanted to attack their boats and sink them.
  • Germany Begins it's First Offensive

    Germany Begins it's First Offensive
    The German army launches it's first offensive on the Western Front. Their position oat the begging of the attack was strong.
  • American Forces Stop Germans From Crossing Marne River

    American Forces Stop Germans From Crossing Marne River
    The American forces and their allies stopped the Germans from advancing any further across the river.
  • Battle of Saint-Mihiel

    Battle of Saint-Mihiel
    America's first army attacks at Saint- Mihel so they had a better opportunity to use their forces on the Western Front.
  • Germany signs Armistice Ending WW1

    Germany signs Armistice Ending WW1
    The signing declared an ending to fighting on land, the sea, or in the air.
  • British and American Forces Enter Germany

    British and American Forces Enter Germany
    Great Britain and America's armies invaded Germany to continue their work of capturing cities.
  • Peace Conference Begins at Paris

    Peace Conference Begins at Paris
    An international meeting in Paris brought together the countries at war to put a end to it.
  • Final Version of 'Stars and Stripes' Published

    Final Version of 'Stars and Stripes' Published
    The final edition of the 'Stars and Stripes' was published. Due to its extreme popularity at the time the staff grew.
  • Treaty of Versailles Takes Effect

    Treaty of Versailles Takes Effect
    After months of getting the Treaty to take action it finally does the year after the end of the war.