By r-jay
  • Balkan Wars

    Who: The ones that fought Balkan wars were Serbia and Greece.
    What: There were many lies that's why Balkan wars started.
    When: Balkan Wars started on October 8, 1912.
    Why: The reason why Balkan war was made is because they were trades.
    Where: Balkan States eliminated the Ottoman Empire from most of Europe.
    (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023)
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Who: Gavrilo Princip was the one who assassinated Archduke Franz.
    What: The reason why World War l began was because of the killing of Archduke Franz.
    When: The Archduke was assassinated on January 28, 1914.
    Why: Archduke Franze is assassinated because the killer wants to free Herzegovina and Bosnia.
    Where: He was assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    (Greenspan, 2020)
  • World War I begins

    Who: Gavrilo was the person who started because he assassinated Archduke Franz.
    What: what caused World War l began is because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
    When: World War l began on July 28, 1914.
    Why: Archduke Franz was going to the Austrian Empire with his wife but then both were assassinated when they were in a car.
    Where: Archduke Franz and his wife were visiting Sarajevo, Bosnia, a country recently annexed into the Austrian Empire.
    (Showalter & Royde-Smith, 2023)
  • Lusitania sinks

    Who: It was the German submarine (U-boat) U-20 that sank the Lusitania.
    What: The cause of the Lusitania is because an Electric ray was fired to the side of the ship and it exploded then it sank.
    When: It happened on May 7, 1915.
    Why: The reason why the Lusitnia has to b sink is because of the munitions were being carried on board
    Where: The Lusitania sank on the Old Head of Kinsale, Ireland.
    (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023)
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    Who: General Philippe Petain was the one who led the Battle of Verdun.
    What: what happened in the Battle of Verdun the French repulsed a major German Offensive.
    When: It started on February 21, 1916.
    Why: The battle was important because it was meant to give the German a symbolic and strategic victory.
    Where: It was located in Fort Douaumont where the Germans forced it to be captured.
    (Imperial War Museums, 2023)
  • U.S. enters war

    Who: President Wooldrow Wilson who requested troops and supplies to help other countries.
    What: The event that caused the U.S to join the war is the Japanese bombing of pearl Harbor in December, 1941.
    When: U.S. Entry into World War l, on April 2, 1917
    Why: The reason why the U.S. joined World War l is because the Germans use submarines to destroy ships which the U.S. owns.
    Where: The U.S. declared German ally Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917.
    (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023)
  • Battle of Gallipoli, Somme

    Who: British and French ships that failed to be attacked.
    What: The reason is to remove France.
    When: It started on July 1, 1916
    Why: To push Germany off the war.
    Where: It was located in Gallipoli Peninsula.
    (Imperial War Museums, 2023)
  • Zimmermann Note

    Who: It was written by German Foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann.
    What: Zimmermann sent the tracker to look for submarine warfare.
    When: January 1917
    Why: The Zimmermann telegram was very important because it really helped the U.S. get into the war so they could help the countries.
    Where:The Zimmermann was in a secret diplomatic communication issued from the German foreign Office in january 1917.
    (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023)
  • Russian Revolution

    Who: The one who led the Russian revolution was Vladimir Lenin.
    What: Russian were running out of supplies and food and in that case they interrupted the war.
    When: The Russian Revolution started March 8, 1917
    Why: Another reason why Russia joined the war is to defend Serbia.
    Where: It was in Russia
    (Kiger, 2021)
  • Russia withdraws from war

    Who: Vladimir Lenin was the one who withdrew Russia.
    What: The reason why Russia left is because they will lose too many troops and they also let Germany do all the work that they planned on doing.
    When: The Russia withdrew the war on December 15,1917
    Why: The reason to just let Germany do the things that they need to do to win the war.
    Where: Russia formally withdrew from the war only with the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on March 3, 1918.
    (History for Kids, 2023)
  • Battle of Chateau-Thierry

    Who: The combined French and American forces.
    What: The goal was to separate the British army from the French.
    When: It happened July 18,1918.
    Why: To help improve Germany's Offensive.
    Where: It was located in France, Chateau-Thierry, and Belgium.
    (History on the Net, 2023)
  • Battle of Argonne

    Who: French, Siamese, and American soldiers were involved in the battle.
    What: The largest operation of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) in World War l.
    When: Battle of Argonne started on September 26, 1918
    Why: The Meuse Argonne Offensive was a part of a large Allied effort to attack the German along the entire front of France back into Germany.
    Where: Alsac-Lorrain was the place they battled off.
    (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023)
  • Armistice of WWI

    Who: The armistice between Germany and the Allies were the ones that ended world war 1.
    What: It was to end the Fight in Germany.
    When: In August, 1914.
    Why: A young serbian patriot shot Archduke Ferdinand and so the wife of Archduke.
    Where: The armistice was signed at Le Francport near Compiegne.
    (Sawer, n.d.).
  • The Treaty of Versailles signed

    Who: The man that ended the war was Allied and associated powers and by Germany.
    What: It was supposed to end World War l.
    When: Treaty of Versailles was signed on January 28, 1919
    Why: The signing is to stop the fight or war in Germany and France.
    Where: It was signed in the palace of Versailles outside Paris and France.
    (History.com Editors, 2021)
  • First meeting of the League of Nations

    Who: President Woodrow Wilson won the Nobel peace prize.
    What: They had to make the first LON to not start another war and the meeting is meant to stop the war so there will be no riot.
    When: The League of Nation Started on November 15, 1920.
    Why: To not make too much of a riot in the world and make peace. Also not to make another war.
    Where: The League of Nation was located in Geneva.
    (United Nations, n.d.)