By rimmerp
  • compulsory military training

    compulsory military training
    In 1911 men were made to do compulsory military training, they had to train and practice for war or other fight5ing events
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated in Sarajevo

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated in Sarajevo
    Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assinated by Gavrillo Princip
  • WW1 started

    WW1 started
    WW1 began on the 18th of July 1914, it started over an outrage of Archduke Franz Ferdinand being assainated.
  • Austria made peace

    Austria made peace
    Austria made peace in WW1 on the 3rd of the 11th 1915, they were in war for 4 years and were against Serbia
  • zimmerman telegram

    zimmerman telegram
    A message from German forign secrety, Arthur Zimmerman, to the german ambassador to Mexico proposing a German- mexican alliance.
  • USA enters war

    USA enters war
    The U.S senate voted 82-6 to declare war against germany
  • Germany and Russia at peace

    Germany and Russia at peace
    Germany and russia declaire peace on the 3rd of the 3rd 1918, meaning they aren't fighting against eachother anymore.
  • Turkey made peace

    Turkey made peace
    Turkey made peace on 30th of the 10th 1918, the ottoman empire signed paper to say that it was the end of the Ottomans participation of WW1
  • WW1 ended

    WW1 ended
    On the 11tyh of the 11th 1918 WW1 camew to a finish, it lasted 4 years. Germany Surrendered and countries agreeded to stop fighting.
  • compulsory military training was abolished

    compulsory military training was abolished
    The military training was abolished by the labour government