Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
Killed by member of The Black Hands setting of the beginning of WWI -
Great war begins
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand sets of the great war with Russia, Great Britain, France against Germany, Austria-Hungary & Italy -
Kaiser declares “open season” on ships
North Sea becomes open war zone -
Lusitania sank
The sinking of the Cunard ocean, germany waged submarine warfare. -
Sedition Act passed
US congress extended the Espionage Act to cover a broader ranger of offenses. -
Selective Service Act
Authorized the national government ti raise a national Army for American entry into WWI -
Espionage Age Passed
US Federal law, passed shortly after the US entry into the war. -
Russia Pulls Out of the War
A group of communist lead by Vladimir Lenin created a communist government and pulled Russia out of the war in November 1917 -
President Wilson's 14 Point Speech
Wanted to bring an end to the war. -
Period: to
1918 Flu Pandemic
Unusually deadly influenza pandemic, affecting 500 million people across the world. -
Germany Signs Armistice
Agreement that ended fighting on the Western front.