Battle of Tannenberg
Who: Soviet Union and Germany
What: the first German victory of the first world war
Where: Tannenberg (closer to Allenstein)
Why: Before the battle, the Russian Army was invading eastern Germnay with some success. The plan was to encircle adn destory the German Eighth Army, the FIrst Army, under the command of German Rennenkampf, decided to pause
Impact Outcome: After defeated the second army, the Germans turned to the Russian First Army and were ale to drive them from German lands. -
First Battle of the Marne
Who: France, UK, German Empire, French Third Republic
What: The outcome bringing an end to the war of movement that had dominated the First World War since the beginning of Aug.
Where: Marne and Paris
Why: The French 6th Army attacked the right flank of the German 1st Army, beginnnig the decisive First Batlle of the Marne at the end of the first month of WW1
Impact: the real victory went to Joffre and French General Staff