Royal irish rifles ration party somme july 1916


  • First battle of the Marne

    First battle of the Marne
    The first battle of the Marne was one of the first battles in the entirety of world war 1. It happened along side the Marne river and resulted due to the German advance. this resulted in fights between German troops fighting French and English troops. Around 475,000 casualties between the two opposing sides. This battle resulted in an early allied victory on the western front
  • First battle of Ypres

    First battle of Ypres
    This was one of the ending battles in the ongoing campaign to the sea to try to flank the German armies. These battles were fought between germany, british, and french troops. There is estimated to be around 300,000 casualties between all three sides.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    An allied attack in the western front in 1916 where they had tried to break the deadlock. This offensive would cost the lives of 620,000 British and French troops and 500,000 german troops in the span of the entire offensive.
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    Battle of Messines

    An allied offensive which included the detonation of 19 mines that were under German positions. for the first time in the war, the defense lost more troops then the offense with a 25,000 on the german line, and only 17,00 on the allied line. This battle resulted in an allied advance.
  • Battle of Cambrai

    Battle of Cambrai
    First major use of Tanks in ww1, It was a allied victory where they had made many land gains and made the germans retreat further back. The total losses between the two fighting forces would be 50,000 for the germans and only 45,000 for the british.