• War Starts

    War Starts
    With the first act of violence for WW1 Austria declares war on Serbia. This kicked off the war, before Germany started to invade. This battle started the 4 yea long war.
  • Germany's first Invasion

    Germany's first Invasion
    With Germany's first act of violence in the war they declare war on Russia. Germany was a huge part of the war and this was the start of their streak of invasions and taking over countries. They did win this battle.
  • Russians are Defeated At Tanneburg

    Russians are Defeated At Tanneburg
    The Germans destroy the Russians at the Battle of Tanneburg. This was the Russians first loss of the war. This was also during the winning streak that the Germans had during the war. They still had not been stopped at this point.
  • German Air Raid on Paris

    German Air Raid on Paris
    When the Germans planned this attack it was not planned to be a huge attack but was just meant to scare the civilians of Paris. In this instance on what they were trying to do it did work. They only killed a few people and defiantly scared them.
  • Germans are stopped

    Germans are stopped
    The German invasion is put to a stop when the First Battle of Marne makes the have to turn all the way around the Marne river. This was the first time in the war that Germany was stopped. This was the first bump in the road for the Germans
  • Japan Attacks Tsingtao China

    Japan Attacks Tsingtao China
    Japan attacked and successfully captured Tsingtao China. Tsingtao was before lightly owed/protected by Germany. The German soldiers weren't around to protect Tsingtao..
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    On Christmas of 1915 the troops decided to put apart their differences so the could celebrate Christmas peacefully. This event became a really famous event in history. It was crazy how they just stopped fighting for a day to celebrate Christmas.
  • The First Battle of Isonzo begins

    The First Battle of Isonzo begins
    Italian Troops attack Australians to start the battle of Isonzo. One of Italy most successful battle victory in the war. It was a really big invasion and a surprise to the Australians
  • The British owned Ocean Liner was Torpedoed

    The British owned Ocean Liner was Torpedoed
    Unwarned the British owned Ocean Liner Lusitania was torpedoed and destroyed. About 2,000 people were killed including 129 Americans.
  • War ends

    War ends
    The First World War left nine million soldiers dead and 21 million wounded, with Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, France, and Great Britain each losing nearly a million or more lives