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  • Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Ferdinand was assasinated on the 28th of June 1914. He was shot and killed along with his wife, by Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip. Ferdinand was the heir to the throne of Austria Hungary. His death is considered the reason that all countries entered the war.
  • Austria-Hungary

    Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. July 28, 1914. “ Within a week, Russia, Belgium, France, Great Britain and Serbia had lined up against Austria-Hungary and Germany, and World War I had begun.”
  • German Troops

    “On August 4, 1914, German troops crossed the border into Belgium. In the first battle of World War I, the Germans assaulted the heavily fortified city of Liege, using the most powerful weapons in their arsenal—enormous siege cannons—to capture the city by August 15.”
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Kaiser Wilhelm II
    The German kaiser (emperor) and king of Prussia. His behavior during the crisis that led to war is stil controversial. Wilhelm signed the order for German mobilization ((following pressure from his generals) decalring war against Russia and France and is reported to have said, “You will regret this, gentlemen.”
  • First Battle of the Marne

    First Battle of the Marne
    “French and British forces confronted the invading Germany army, which had by then penetrated deep into northeastern France”
  • Maria Remarque and John McCrae

    Maria Remarque and John McCrae
    The war inspred people to create books and art. “All Quiet on the Western Front. By Enrich Maria Remarque and “In Flanders Fields” by doctor Lieutenant -Colonel John McCrae.
  • Lusitania

    On May 7, 1915, a German U-boat torpedoed and sank the RMS Lusitania, a British ocean liner en route from New York to Liverpool, England. More than 120 Americans died as well as over 1100 other passengers.
  • Period: to

    Battle of the Somme

    Allied offensive against German forces on the Western Front. British forces suffered more than 57,000 casualties—including more than 19,000 soldiers killed—on the first day of the battle alone, making it the single most disastrous day in that nation’s military history. It was a failure for the Allies.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    In 1917, two revolutions swept through Russia, ending centuries of imperial rule and setting into motion political and social changes that would lead to the formation of the Soviet Union. Russian people were growing poor. There were food and feul shortages grew as inflation continued. It brought to a halt, Russian participation in World War I.
  • The US Enters the War

    The US Enters the War
    The US joins the fight after the Germans continued their unrestricted submarie warfare. President Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to send U.S. troops into battle against Germany in World War I. Four days later, Congress obliged and declared war on Germany.
  • World War I Victory

    World War I Victory
    It was November 11th 1918 when the war ended. Grmany signed an armstice agreement with the Allies. The First World War left nine million soldiers dead and 21 million wounded, with Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, France and Great Britain each losing nearly a million or more lives. In addition, at least five million civilians died from disease, starvation, or exposure.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    It was signed on June 1919 at the Palace of Versailles in Paris at the end of World War I, codified peace terms between the victorious Allies and Germany. The treaty left Germany difficult peace terms. The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919.