World war one

  • assassination

    franz Ferdinand was assassinated causing ww1
    he was the heir of the austrian throne
  • Period: to

    battle of tannenberg

    Russian vs. Germany
    it was an example of Russias incompetence
    the entire russian army was abolished
  • Period: to

    battle of the marne

    Germany vs. France and Britan
    stopped German assault into France
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    battle of gallipoli

    Britain vs. Ottoman empire the brittish attempted a naval
    invasion to seize the ottoman capital
  • sinking of the lusitania

    sinking of the lusitania
    the lusitania was sunk by a german u boat that
    thought that it was carrying suplies but was a cruise ship
  • Period: to

    battle of verdum

    germany vs France
    longest battle of the western front at 303 days
  • Period: to

    battle of somme

    Germany vs France and Britain
    largest battle of ww1 on the western front
  • interception of the Zimmerman Telograph

    interception of the Zimmerman Telograph
    the german sent a telograph to mexico proposing a alliance
    one reason the us joined ww1
  • march Russian revolution

    march Russian revolution
    ended the reign of Tsar Nicholas II
    90000 men and women on strike
  • us joins ww1

    us joins ww1
    the us joins ww1 and joined allies Britain France and Russia
    joined ww1 because of the zimmerman telograph and sinking
    of lusitaia
  • November Russian revolution

    November Russian revolution
    put bolshevik party into power and became a growing empire
  • singing of the armistice

    called a caesefire in ww1 at the 11 hour 11day and 11 month
  • singing of the treaties of versalies

    singing of the treaties of versalies
    germans had no choice but to sign
    made germany military was limited
    ssigned by woodrow wilson
  • creation of league of nations

    creation of league of nations
    league of nations was created
    created for resolving international disputes
  • creation of the USSR

    creation of the USSR
    created the union of soviet socialist republics
    is communist country