• Assignation of Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke of Australia-Hungary was killed by terrorist group from Siberia. This event was the catalyst of ww1.
  • Germany shoots at french lines

    Germany comes in and uses gas against the french lines. which causes a almost collapse in the french lines but they did not capitalize.
  • Lusitania is sunk

    German submarines sinks the passenger boat the Lusitania. the ship had 128 Americans on the boat.
  • First tanks are deployed

    The British use tanks in warfare for the first time ever. At the battle of Delville Wood
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Germany Bribes Mexico the join the Germans if the U.S. and Germany go to war and in return Germany Will help Mexico get Texas Back.
  • United States Enters the War

    Congress Passes a law to go to war with Germany. And joins France and Britain side.
  • Selective Service Act is signed

    Congress Passes act to allow the draft. They say that there is no other way to go
  • Germany and Russia Sign Peace-Treaty

    Russia leaves war after Germany and Russia sign Peace Treaty; And with Russia backing out Germany can now shift soldiers to a one front war.
  • Battle of St. Mihiel

    300,000 American Troops basically threw them selves in to the German lines with no strategy.
  • Armistice signed to stop fighting on western front

    After this all troops were moved and sent home.