• Austria-Hungary declares war

    Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia due to Serbia not meeting the ultimatum for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  • Russia Mobilises

    In response to Austria-Hungary's declaration of war, Russia mobilised her army on July 29th
  • Germany Declares War

    Germany saw Russia's mobilisation as an act of war,
  • The Schlieffen Plan

    Germany thought that they would be sneaky and attack France through neutral Belgium.
  • Britain Declares War

    Britain had an alliance with Russia and France. Britain had also signed a Treaty to protect Belgium in 1838. Britain declared war on Germany.
  • Japan Enters The Fight

    Due to an alliance with Britain, Japan declared war on Germany.
  • Italy Changes Sides

    Even though Italy was a part of the triple alliance, she refused to support Germany and Austria-Hungary, claiming that war was their fault.
  • Cuba Declared War on Germany

  • The United States Steps in

    The USA was not interested in getting involved in a "European" war. The United states declared war on Germany.
  • Brazil Severed Relations with Germany

  • Greece Declared War on Austria-Hungary

  • Ecuador Severed Relations with Germany

  • Uruguay Severed Relations with Germany