• Arch Duke Assassination

    Arch Duke Assassination
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assinated by Gavrillo Princip a terrorist who was part of the black hand
  • World War 1 Starts

    World War 1 Starts
    Serbia did not turn Gavrillo in when Austria-Hungary asked for him so they declared war
  • Russia and Germany Joins war

    Russia  and Germany Joins war
    Russia was bound by a treaty to Serbia so they had to help them. and Germany was tied by a treaty to Austria-Hungary so they had to help them
  • The Lusitania was sunk

    The Lusitania was sunk
    Germany declared aunrestricted subamrine warfare so they sunk any ship that tried to go through even if it was a cruise ship. the Lusitania was a british luxury liner that had Americans and British people on it. 128 americans were killed
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun
    the Germans attack the French in Verdun because they think France will pour all of their resources there and it will weaken other areas to attack. there was no distinct winner in this battle
  • First Battle of Somme

    First Battle of Somme
    the british are trying to distract the Germans from Verdun and onto Somme. this was declared the bloodiest battle the British have seen.
  • United States Joins War

    United States Joins War
    after the lusitania was sunk the U.S had to join since their citizens were being killed we declared war on Germany also due to the zimmerman telegram which told Mexico that after WW1 they would recieve land from U.S
  • First Tank usage

    First Tank usage
    the first battle tanks were really used in was between the British and the French, the French used the tanks. this happened in the battle of Cambrai
  • Russia Surenders From the War

    Russia Surenders From the War
    due to internal conflict Russia had to leave the war to fix their own problems. this happened under the treaty of Brest-Litovsk
  • World War 1 Ends

    World War 1 Ends
    WW1 was ended becaude of an armistice which stopped land sea and air warfare. this happened under the treaty of Versaille