• Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    In June of 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Bosnian Serb nationalist during an official visit to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo. 19-year-old, Gavrilo Princip, was able to shoot the royal couple at point-blank range while they traveled in their official procession, killing them both almost instantly. Austria-Hungary immediately blamed the Serbia government for the attack, causing tension between the countries. The assassination then set off​ a rapid chain of events.
  • Germany's "Blank Check" to Austria-Hungary

    Germany's "Blank Check" to Austria-Hungary
    After Serbia assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary was furious. Austria went to their alley, Germany, to discuss what had happened. After explaining to Germany what had happened Germany was in full support of whatever Austria decided to do, even if Russia got involved. Historians refer to Germany's support for Austria as a "blank check" or carte blanche.
  • Austria Declared War on Serbia

    Austria Declared War on Serbia
    Blaming the Serbia government on the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Austria was Germany's alley at the time. Germany agreed to step in if Serbia or Russia, Serbia's alley, mobilise their army. This was just the beginning of WWI.
  • Period: to

    World War I

  • Germany Declared War On Russia

  • Germany Declared War on France

  • Britain Enters WWI by Declaring War on Germany

  • Turkey Enters WWI

  • Lusitania Sunk

    Lusitania Sunk
    The Lusitania was a British merchant ship that was en route from New York going to Liverpool, England when it got torpedoed by Germany. The US was furious because there were a couple hundred Americans aboard that ship. Even though the US didn't officially enter WWI until about two years later when the sinking of the Lusitania occurred they made it very public what their opinion was when it came to Germany.
  • Germany's Resumption of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

  • Zimmermann Telegram

    Zimmermann Telegram
    Arthur Zimmerman, a German foreign secretary, wrote the Zimmerman Telegram in hope of becoming allies with Mexico. Not only did Germany propose the idea of becoming allies, but also promised to restore all the territory Mexico had lost to the US, including Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.
  • USA Enters WWI by Declaring War on Germany

    USA Enters WWI by Declaring War on Germany
    After Germany sunk several of US ships without warning, there was automatic tension between the countries. Britain's surrounding waters were patrolled by the German military, not allowing any cargo to come to or from the coasts.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles officially ended World War I in 1919. It had a total of 15 parts to it and 440 articles. In part one, it went over the covenant of the New League of Nations. The New League of Nations was an international diplomatic​ group developed after WWI as a way to solve disputes between countries before they went into open warfare.