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  • when/how WW1 started

    when/how WW1 started
    it started on the 28th of june 1914 by the archduke franz ferdinand (heir to the austro-hungarian throne) and his wife were assassinated in sarajevo bosnia-herzegovina
  • Period: to


    im doing it about WW1
  • germany declaring war on other countries

    germany declaring war on other countries
    between 1-4 august 1914 germany declares war on russia and france, and invades neutral luxembourg and belgium; world war 1 begins!
  • the christmas truce

    the christmas truce
    soldiers from both sides come out of their trenches and share drinks and greetings on christams eve
  • germans driven back

    the germans are driven back from ypres (belgium)
  • the landing

  • a german u boat sinks

    a german u boat sinks
    a german u-boat sinks the lusitania, killing 1198 people includin 128 americans; this event contribute to the decision of the USA to enter the war in 1917
  • evacuation

  • stalemate

    the stalemate continues on the western front
  • battle of somme

    battle of somme
    the battle of some; tanks are used for the first time
  • first conscription

    first conscription
    the first conscription plebiscite in australia is narrowly defeated
  • fighting continues

    fighting continues
    fighting continues on the western front; battles are fought at passchendaele, ypres, pozieres and bullecourt
  • usa joins the war

  • revolution in russia

    revolution in russia
    a key moment in the russian revolution: the storming of the winter palace in 1917
  • ludendroff offensive begins

    ludendroff offensive begins
    the ludendroff offensive begins in a final attempt by germany to break through the allied lines and win the war
  • australian troops recapture

    australian troops recapture
    australian troops recapture the town of villers-bretonneux
  • start of allied counter-offensive

    start of allied counter-offensive
    the start of the allied counter-offensive
  • The armistice (ceaserfire) is signed; end of world war 1

    The armistice (ceaserfire) is signed; end of world war 1
    the signing of the amistice between the allies and germany in a railway carriage in the french forest of compiegne on 11 november 1918
  • paris peace conference

    paris peace conference
    the paris peace conference is held to decide the fate of germany; the treaty of versailles