Consisted of France, Britian, and Russia -
Central Powers
Germans, Austrian-Hungarians, Ottoman empire, and the Turks -
Asssassination of Franz Ferdinand
Heir to the Austrian Throne, visist local nearbying city. The capital to Bosnia. Him and his entourage drive through vity to find themselves inbetween what seems to be an ellaborate assasination plan, wich is followed through not so well. -
Schlieffen Plan
After an invasion of Belgium by the Central powers: their plan quickly called for an hold against russian forces combined W/ a quick advancment into Paris from Belgium -
Sinking of Luistania
After British record of the blockades against german navy: a disastorous sinking of the Luistania occured off the southern coast of Ireland -
Sinking of Arabic
Three months after the sinking of the luistania another U-boat sinks the british trade liner. -
Sinking of the Sus.
After Germans break promise of no more naval devastation they finale themselves Torpedoing the French Passanger Liner the SS Sussexx and, aprox. 80 passangers were claimed dead -
Battle of Somne
The first installation of trenchwarfare, Allied forces fall back into french trenches after being bombarded by the germans forces. The three initial trenches "Front line, Support and Reserve. " The large scale slaughter between the trenches of "No Mans Land" marked the first conclusive battle. -
Zimmerman note
After the Kasier Vigorous acquisition of sighting every U-boat will sink boats on sight, a couple nots were taken by our very own president.The Simmerman Note, the telegram intercepted by the british fleet. Reading of a Mexican German alliance that would never make it to Mexico. -
Selective Service
A govt. passed agreement to find the american forces a more greater army in numbers, so they had an order to most american men of requirment to be enlisted to warfront.By august there were 24 million american forces on the battlefront -
Second Battle of Marne
The turning point for the war, Allieed forces advance on defensive german grounds. The american war hero, Alvin York heavily exemplified and honored as a war hero here. -
Austria-Hungary Surrenders
inNovember Austria-Hungary declares a white flag surrender, this heightens the German rebellion against the current mutiny taking place. -
Cease fire and Armistice
The end of firing and the end of the war by truce. -
War industries board
Under leadership of Bernard M Baruch. a Boardencouraged by buisness men and thei companies complain abou mass-production of anything and the efficiecy of eliminated waste. The clean up squad -
National War Labor Baord
There wernt buisness's or organizations that dealt about management and the labor force, so the NWLB made by president Wilson. For those disobeying you eiher "Faught or Worked" -
Commitee of Public Information
First propaganda agency -
Convoy System
After numerous sinks by the German U-boat, AmericanVice Admiral convinces british monarchy of a strategic placement of heavy defensive ships around merchant ships. Losses had been cut in half due to the Convoy System -
Establishment of German Republic
After the Kaiser gives up the throne, after numerous defeats, and no more allied forces for them german territory become exhausted out of troops and resources, this called for a cease fire. -
Espionage and Sedition Acts
Under these Acts a person could be fined 10k + interfering with war efforts or saying anything that would be considered diloyal or mutinizing -
Food Administration
Set up by Herbert Hoover and Pres. Wilson the food board helped conserve food especially in times like that of wich just happend