

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The Archduke was the heir to the Austria-Hungary throne when a Serbian nationalist group called the Black hand killed the Archduke when he was on his way to the hospital after the first failed assassination attempt to visit the people that were hurt. On the second try, he was shot with his wife because the driver made an unlucky wrong turn on the way there because he didn't know where he was going.
  • The war begins

    The war begins
    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia for the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand causing the allies of the two countries to also join in the war as well. This is the start of the Great War.
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    The Western front

    The bloodiest part of the war. The condition the men went through was terrible. They got trench foot from the waterlogged conditions to having giant rats take their food.
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    The Eastern Front

    The largest line in the war. It was meant to drive back the Russians from getting any father. This front was a theater of war between the Germans and the Soviet Union.
  • The Sinking of Lusitania

    The Sinking of Lusitania
    This event was caused by the Germans making a string of events occur to push the U.S. to join in the war so that Germany can get the U.S. out of the state of neutrality.
  • Italy joins in

    Italy joins in
    Itay made the decision to stop being neutral and join in the war by declaring itself against Germany.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The French fought against the Germans Stopping them from advancing forward. Both sides suffered major casualties causing a manpower crisis to happen for the Germans.
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    The Battle of Somme

    It's one of the largest battles to have gone on along with being one of the bloodiest war conflicts. When combining both sides 1.5 million casualties occurred. After this battle the tactics did improve.
  • The New Economic Policy

    The New Economic Policy
    The policy made by the Russians after their revolution was created to fix the economy that was once a mess before.
  • Zimmerman telegram

    Zimmerman telegram
    A telegram was used by Germany to ask Mexico to join the war so then the U.S. would have to join the war.
  • Russia pulls out from war

    Russia pulls out from war
    Pulled out because they were becoming a communist state. After being ruled by a monarchy so they were trying to fix themselves up before doing something else.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The Russian people now longer wanted royals that never did their job to be the ones to control everything.
  • America Joins the War

    America Joins the War
    America joins making it a turning point for their allies to win the war. They were the needed boost to help win the war after many years.
  • Russia returns

    Russia returns
    Russia rejoins the war attacking the western front and then losing 800,000 men in the process.
  • The Treaty of Versaille

    The Treaty of Versaille
    The treaty stopped the war from continuing. It also held Germany responsible for being the one causing the wars. This made both sides recreate borders so the land won't upset either side of who has what.