Unit 3 Timeline Project

By LilahJB
  • The assination of Archduke Franz Ferdinad

    The assination of Archduke Franz Ferdinad
    He was invited to visit the capital of Bosnia. The terrorist group "Black Hand" tried to kill the Royal couple was with a bomb but it failed the second time he shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand dead. This started World War 1
  • WW1 Starts

    WW1 Starts
    After Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Austria-Hungary, Austria-Hungary then declared war on Serbia. The was the begining was World-War 1.
  • Period: to

    WW1 Time span

  • Battel of Tannenburg

    Battel of Tannenburg
    Germans are able to reorganize their strategy, forcing the Russians into retreat. The Germans pursued the Russians, essentially annihilating the armies with 30,000 casualties and more than 90,000 taken prisoner. Battel end August 30th 1914.
  • Battle of Marne

    Battle of Marne
    With an exhausted and weakened German force that had sent nearly a dozen divisions to fight in East Prussia and Belgium, the German First Army faces a counterattack and is forced to retreat to the Lower Aisne River, where the first trench warfare of the conflict begins.
  • First Battle of Ypres

    First Battle of Ypres
    "Battle of the Sea" begins, the first of three battles to control the ancient Flemish city on Belgium’s north coast that allows access to English Channel ports and the North Sea. The massive conflict—involving an estimated 600,000 Germans and 420,000 Allies—continues for three weeks until brutal winter weather brings it to an end.
  • Christmas Truce of 1914

    Christmas Truce of 1914
    The Christmas Truce. It began of Christmas eve. The signing of the Treaty of Ghent on Christmas Eve, December 24, 1814, ended a war, the War of 1812, between the United States and the British Empire and their allies.
  • First use of gas

    First use of gas
    April 22, 1915, at 5 p.m. a wave of asphyxiating gas released from cylinders embedded in the ground by German specialist troops smothered the Allied line on the northern end of the Ypres salient, causing panic and a struggle to survive a new form of weapon.
  • Battle of Verdun

     Battle of Verdun
    The western front was the longest and bloodiest battle of Verdun. German used total war to destroy French morale. 400,000 casualties in 10 months of fighting.
  • Zimmermann Tellegram

    Zimmermann Tellegram
    Zimmermann sent the telegram in anticipation of resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare, an act the German government expected would likely lead to war with the U.S. Zimmermann hoped tensions with Mexico would slow shipments of supplies, munitions, and troops to the Allies
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution was a period of political and social change in the Russian Empire, starting in 1917. This period saw Russia abolish its monarchy and adopt a socialist form of government following two successive revolutions and a bloody civil war.
  • America enters WW1

    America enters WW1
    The German U-boat launched an attack on the boat Lusitania. It sank the cruise liner traveling from New York to Liverpool, England. America then allied with Austria-Hungaray and declared war on Germany.
  • 3rd Battle of Ypres

    3rd Battle of Ypres
    French and the use of tanks, launch an attack to wrest control of Ypres from the Germans. Attacks and counterattacks ensued for four months in the rain and mud, with Canadian forces brought in to help relieve the troops but little ground was won. In the end, it is considered a victory for the Allies, but one that cost both sides more than 550,000 casualties.
  • Battle of Cambrai

    Battle of Cambrai
    In World War I's first large-scale tank offensive, the Battle of Cambrai near Cambrai, France, ultimately gains little ground, but changes the course of modern warfare with the use of tank brigades and new artillery methods.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, at the Palace of Versailles near Paris. This Treaty ended the war between Germany and the Allied Forces, who were victorious. This treaty was put in place mainly for Germany, as they were seen as the main cause of the war. This treaty dominated the fact that that Germany would never be a military power again. Altho this made Germans mad and elevated the reason why ww2 began.
  • Armistice

    The Armistice was the end of the war. The treaty of Versille was the treaty that ended the war. THe impact was very harsh, causing new nations to build. The living conditions were serverly poor after the war. Millions of dollars worth of damages.