• Franz Ferdinand assassination

    Franz Ferdinand assassination
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated along with his wife. Earlier that day they had been riding in a car with the roof open when a bomb had been thrown at the car.Instead of blowing up the car it bounced off and injured one of the officers protecting him. Him and his wife went to the hospital to check on the officer and hima and his wife were shot and killed.
  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • Native Americans in the War

    Native Americans in the War
    Native Americans although not able to be declared as citizens were required to enter the draft. Native Americans bought 25 million dollars worth of war bonds.They also continued to take away Native American land while they were out fighting.Many men also volunteered for war they weren't all drafted by the military.
  • First Battle of Marne

    First Battle of Marne
    Germany didn't want to fight a two front battle so their plan was to take France and go after Russia later.They had early success against France and were thought to continue the great progress. But there was one thing Germany didn't have, a "Backup". Therefore the British and French were able to make the Germans retreat.
  • New Weapons

    New Weapons
    Hotchkiss Machine Gun was introduced to american troops.Some men went and asked the French for help with the new weapon.The troops picked ten people to go ad learn everything about the rifle.All ten people were to return to relay the information learned while with the French
  • Forests

    James remained with the infantry for a couple more days and night traversing through the forests.The second night of traversing through the forest James did not know where he was going only following the head that was in front of him.When James would gaze off the beaten path only thing he would see were trees.All torn up by artillery fire.
  • Gallipoli

    This was a plan to allow ally ships to pass through Dardanelles to Constantinople. Troops landed on the Gallipoli peninsula, they were commanded by Ottoman troops. Trench warfare quickly took hold,mirroring the battle on the Western Front.Ottoman empire evacuated after another assault was launched.
  • Rain

    Every afternoon it would rain.He tried many efforts to help keep his map dry adn some worked.Everyday he would walk back to his sleeping spot.Usually when he would get back He would see people form Company C and would ask them for supplies and food.
  • Message

    James delivered a message to a gun crew that was in the area.The message was to bring their back to the Sunken Headquarters.He watched French infantry relive the infantry that he was in.One thing he said was that the French came in waves moving very slowly.
  • Jutland

    Largest naval battle of World War One.Germany's high seas tried to weaken the royal navy by launching an ambush. British were quickly alerted to the plan by code-breakers. There were a total of 250 ships and 100,000 men involved in the battle both German and British.Britain won the battle but lost 14 ships and 6,000 men
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    Joint Operation between British and French forces.The Battle of Verdun helped make this battle go by way faster then it would have.They faced German defense over 141 days the British advanced 7 miles.19,420 British were killed and is one of the bloodiest days in British military history.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    Longest Battle of World War One it lasted from February 12 to December 18, 1916.Germany tried to strike a French town called Verdun.French were forced back by the German forces but never gave up.In Autumn french started regaining ground they had lost.By not giving up the French were able to win the defensive battle.
  • Dogs In WWI

    Dogs In WWI
    Dogs had many jobs in WW1 from messengers to helping sentry men keep watch over military bases.Some dogs deployed on messenger missions had to travel through gunfire leaping over trenches and "dodging bullets."There were also scout dogs that and to be trained to be quiet and would they would smell someone they would not bark only stiffen up it's body and point it's tail.Some dogs also were used to help keep them men stuck in the trenches comfortable just by the dog being in the soldiers presence
  • Old Friends

    Old Friends
    After dinner at his camp he went traversing through other Companies to find some old friends.James found some old former friends in Camp B, in the kitchen.Many stories were exchanged between James and his old friend Smith.Smith had asked for duty so he didn't have to be in the firing squad.
  • Battle of Amiens

    Battle of Amiens
    This battle was a giant success for the Allied Forces.The first allied attacks started as counter in July and the battle opened on August 8th.After around 4 days the forces were stopped.Offensive efforts by the Allied Powers launched elsewhere which exhausted the German troops.
  • Battle of Megiddo

    Battle of Megiddo
    Final British lead offensive effort.It started as a success of allied victories which caused the Ottoman empire to withdraw.Victory at Megiddo opened a way to Damascus.On October 30th the Ottoman Empire came to a peaceful settlement.