WW1 - 1930

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    Woodrow Wilson’s Presidency

    Wilson fought against political machines a progressive Republican and won the presidential elections of 1912 and 1916. He declared war on Germany in 1917 after keeping a peaceful stance on the war.
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    World War 1 Timeframe

    World War 1 began in 1914 with the Central Powers fighting against the Allied Powers after Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. The United States enter in 1917 for many reasons, on elf them being the sinking of the Lusitania.
  • Lusitania

    The Lusitania, a British ocean line sailing away from New York, sunk due to a German torpedo. Over 120 Americans died, which was a reason why the United States entered World War 1 2 years later.
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    The Great Migration

    Over decades, black people relocated from the south to the rest of the country (north, Midwest, and west). They left the south due to harsh segregation laws and little job opportunities.
  • First Woman Elected To Congress

    First Woman Elected To Congress
    She helped pass woman’s suffrage legislation in Montana before she was in Congress. Her arrival at Congress was a month late due to discussion of whether or not they should let a woman into the House of Representatives. Finally, she entered Congress an April 2, 1917.
  • Selective Service Act Passed

    Selective Service Act Passed
    Soon after entering World War 1, this act was passed and allowed the president to draft soldiers. Over half of the 4.8 million people who served in World War 1 were drafted.
  • Espionage Act Passed

    The act made it illegal to have information that went against the war effort or supported the enemies. It was enforced by A. Mitchell Palmer who was the attorney general at the time.
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    Vladimir Lenin’s Russian Revolution

    After Russia went under the control of a Provisional Government, Lenin wanted social reform so the government could be controlled in a dictatorship by workers and peasants. Lenin silently gathered a military force and captured government buildings in November. He created a new communist government, became the first dictator, and took Russia out of World War 1.
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    Spanish Flu

    The influenza epidemic infected about 500 million people in the world and killed about 50 million. Its origins are unknown, and it is commonly known as the Spanish Flu because Spain got hit hard by the epidemic.
  • Wilson’s 14 Points

    Wilson’s 14 Points
    During an address, Wilson gave his 14 ways to keep peace and security in Europe. In his points, he tried to keep global commerce fair and sovereignty for the weaker parts of Europe.
  • Sedition Act Passed

    It made it illegal to promote or teach anti-war sentiments or arguments against the government. The act was once again upheld by the attorney general at the time.
  • Treaty of Versailles Rejection

    The senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles after president Woodrow Wilson negotiated for the treaty. There were many Reservationists and Irreconcilables who did not like the treaty in its current form or at all.
  • Schenck v. United States Decision

    Charles Schenck and Elizabeth Baer discouraged the draft during World War 1; the said it broke their thirteenth amendment right for involuntary servitude. They were convicted for breaking the Espionage Act, and the Supreme Court came to a unanimous decision that Congress has certain wartime powers that keep the country safe.
  • 19th Amendment Passed

    19th Amendment Passed
    The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote and was inspired by the women’s rights movement. Tennessee was the last state required to pass the amendment.
  • First News Broadcast

    The Detroit News broadcasted the first radio news. They spoke about the election results that night.
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    Teapot Dome Scandal

    After being elected president, Warren G. Harding made a deal about the Teapot Dome oil reserves, which were supposed for the Navy and emergency use only. He gave exclusive drilling rights to private companies owned by some of his friends and tried to hide the shady deal from the public.
  • KKK March on Washington

    The KKK held a large march in Washington D.C. after being revived by the movie ‘The Birth of a Nation.’ Many people showed their faces while wearing their pointy white robes during the march.
  • Sliced Bread

    Otto Rohwedder created the first commercially slice bread on this date in Missouri after recovering from a fire over a decade earlier. Despite original criticism from bakers, sliced bread quickly became wildly popular.
  • Penicillin Discovered

    Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin at St. Mary’s hospital in London. He looked through his petrified dishes of Staphylococcus, which left colonies everywhere, except for on dish that had mild in the middle that was surrounded by a clear area. This ‘mold juice’ he found came to be known as penicillin.
  • Al Capone Arrested

    Al Capone was arrested for the first time in 1929 for carrying concealed weapons, but he got out of prison 1 year later for good behavior. He was arrested along with his bodyguard.