Archduke Assasination
Archduke was killed in Sarajevo. It was the trigger of the war. -
Begin of World War 1
Begin of the World War was the invation of Belgium by the Germans. -
Germans use chlorine gas in war
The Germans first used chemical warfare by filling their fire shells with chlorine gas. They use it against the French lines at lets them collapse. -
Lusitania sinks
Lusitania was sunk by a German submarine. It was a English passenger liner that was sailing under a American flag. 1198 people were killed also American passengers. -
Germany Limits Submarines
To keep the US out of the war the Germans restricted their submarines so that they didn't sink passenger and civilian ships any longer. That was a reaction to the sinking of the Lusitania by Kaiser Wilhelm -
First Rose Bowl Game Played
Zimmermann Telegramm
Telegramm from German Zimmermann to Mexico that was intercepted by British intelligence telling the Mexicans to start war against the US and that Germany would help them in case of a war.
It was the reason for the United States to join the war. -
US Enters War
The US declare war against Germany. They joined Britain and France. -
Peace Treaty Russia and Germany
Peace treaty signed by Germany and Russia gives Germany a lot of land in today's Poland and Ukraine. Because of the treaty the Germans could shift troups to the West front. -
End of War
There was an Armistice signed in France which declared the end of World War 1