ww1 start
Assassination of the archduke of Austria-Hungary -
Lusitania sinking
The great migration start date
Couldn't find a start date -
election held resulting in Wilson's reelection
First woman elected to congress
Wilson discusses 14 points with congress
Passed selective service Act
Passed espionage Act
start of Bolshevik revolution
influenza start date
can not find exact day -
sedition act enacted
Schenk vs. Us Supreme court ruling
Senate rejected us joining league of nations
Us senate rejects treaty of versailles
federal Volstead Act closed every tavern, bar and saloon
The prohibition, run through christian grassroots groups and progressives, shit down the sale of alchemy and closed places that sell it in America. -
Ratified 19th amendment
hitler becomes Führer of nazi party
He was made the lead or the nazi party and was given the title of fuhrer of the party. This is the first time he was referring to as the title. -
einstein nobel peace prize
He got a nobel peace prize in physics mainly for his work in finding the photoelectric effect, involving energy transfer from photons to electrons. -
Hitler sent to landsberg jail
He was sentenced to 5 years of high treason sentencing. He tried to create a nationalist movement to overthrow the government in hopes that it would spread to the army, but it failed. He only served 9 months and this gave him time to write mein kampf. -
Mein kampf published
This books was filled with nazi propaganda, it was hitler’s plan. He laid out what he wanted germany to be and how to achieve that. Did not actually include much about anti-jewish behavior, and never said “to conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens”(that's what we call republican propaganda). After the war this book was banned in germany and last year, a newly commentated version swept across Europe.