• Period: to


  • Archiduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated

    Franz Ferdinand of austria was killed by Serbia.
  • Austria Declares War

    this is when the world war started. Austria declares war on Serbia for the assassination of Ferdinand
  • 1st Marne

    Battle outside of Paris; Allied Victory
  • Trench warfare

    trench warfare starts in western front
  • Gallipoli Campaign

    the Campain starts in turkey
  • Battle of Verdun

    battle between French and Germans; French Victory
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    a Telegram stolen from germany saying that germany will help mexico regain parts of the U.S. if they join and help germany in the war
  • U.S. enters War

    U.S. enters war after getting zimmerman telegram
  • 2nd Marne

    Battle outside of Paris; Allied Victory
  • War Ends

    Allies defeat Central Powers