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  • The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand is a Siberian noble, and thier enymy, Austria killed this man
  • Period: to


  • Two major groups, the Triple Entente, and the Triple Alliance

    Two major groups, the Triple Entente, and the Triple Alliance
    Triple Entente included Great Britten, France, and Russia
    Triple Alliance included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
  • Two great powers emerged on the battlefield

    Two great powers emerged on the battlefield
    Central Powers:Germany, Austria Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire
    Allies: Great Britten, France, Russia, Japan, and Italy
  • Battle on the Western Front

    Battle on the Western Front
    First Trench warfare battle where soldiers just slept and showered in mud, so they could protect themsleves.
  • Devolpements of the Eastern front

    Devolpements of the Eastern front
    While the fight going on in the western, the eastern front was also in war. It was Russia and Serbs fighting Germany, Austrians, and Turks.
  • Battle of Gallipoli

    Battle of Gallipoli
    The Alies thought this area was going to be easy to take over but both sides started building trecnches and it was almost a year battle, in the end the Allies retreated while suffering 250,000 casualties.
  • Another battle on the Western front

    Another battle on the Western front
    Germany launched a massive attack while each side was estimated to lose about 300,000 men each.
  • Strategy Devolpment

    Strategy Devolpment
    Germany said to Meico that they would help them take back the areas they lost through the war and America heard
  • America goes to war

    America goes to war
    After pondering the message they recieved from Britten the American govenment decided to enter the war on the Allies side.
  • Developement in the Eastern Front

    Developement in the Eastern Front
    Lenin gained power in Russia and wanted to succed from the war
  • Battle on Marne 2

    Battle on Marne 2
    With Germany and the Allied army started clashing at the main battle, America went in with 2 million troops and started taking over germanies side
  • Alliance

    Russia wilthdrwal from the war made Germany able to do a massive attack on France
  • Step down

    Step down
    On this date Frazier William steped down and Germany became a republic party and watned to meet with the Allies

    Germany signed the Amistice to end the war, THE ALLIES WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!