WW1 Timeline

  • (EU) The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    (EU) The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke of Austria-Hungary was shot in Bosnia by Gavrilo Princip. This event is regarded as one of the sparking events of WW1
  • (EU) Germany Declares War On France

    (EU) Germany Declares War On France
    Germany declares war on France. Germany also invades Belgium, a neutral territory.
  • (EU) Great Britain Declares War On Germany

    (EU) Great Britain Declares War On Germany
    Great Britain declares war on Germany. This was the result of Germany refusing to move out of neutral Belgium, and to defend France. Considered the start of WW1
  • (US) President Woodrow Wilson Declares US Policy of Neutrality

    (US) President Woodrow Wilson Declares US Policy of Neutrality
    President Wilson declares US policy of Neutrality. He declared that the United States would remain “impartial in thought as well as in action.” Many US citizens agreed with this decision.
  • (EU) Japan Declares War On Germany

    (EU) Japan Declares War On Germany
    Japan declares war on Germany. They were allied with Britain, France, and Russian at the time. Japan made its move by acquiring an important German-owned port in Tsingtao, China.
  • (US/EU) Christmas Truce on the Western Front

    (US/EU) Christmas Truce on the Western Front
    On Christmas Day, both sides on No Man's Land agreed to a cease fire.
  • (US/EU) The Sinking of the Lusitania

    (US/EU) The Sinking of the Lusitania
    German U-boat (U-20) sunk Cunard passenger ship Lusitania, killing 1,198 people, 128 of which were US citizens. US remained "neutral" but condemned the attacks. Can be considered one of the pushing factors for the US to join the war.
  • (US/EU) Germany Restricts Submarine Warfare

    (US/EU) Germany Restricts Submarine Warfare
    In response to the sinking of the Lusitania, Germany makes a deal to restrict its submarine attacks on passenger ships.
  • (EU) First Tanks

    (EU) First Tanks
    Britain deploys the first tanks ever used in battle. At this point they are primitive and not very useful yet.
  • (US) Woodrow Wilson Elected President

    (US) Woodrow Wilson Elected President
    Woodrow Wilson is elected president.
  • (US/EU) Wilson Asks For War

    (US/EU) Wilson Asks For War
    President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war. He said, “The world must be made safe for democracy.”
  • (US/EU) America Enters The War /Congress Votes For Declaration of War

    Congress votes to enter the war, the U.S. joins allied forces.
  • (US) Selective Service Act

    (US) Selective Service Act
    President Wilson signs the act to approve the draft in the United States. US citizens claimed this violated the preach for democracy that Wilson was fighting for outside, but he saw there was no other way.
  • (US/EU) Spanish Influenza

    (US/EU) Spanish Influenza
    Spanish Flu started in the heartland of America. One of the first reported cases was an army private in Haskell County, Kansas. his sickness spread to Fort Riley. Nobody knew much about treatment, spreading, or prevention.Soldiers from Fort Riley spread the flu to Europe.
  • (EU/US) Armistice

    (EU/US) Armistice
    Both sides of the war agreed to stop fighting, instead of a surrender. Germany started thinking about it in October.