World War II Begins
Germany started World War II by invading Poland on September 1,1939. Britain and France responded to this by delaring war on Germany two days later. Within a month, Poland was defeated. -
Germany Invades Denmark
On April 9, 1940, Germany invaded Denmark. While Germany occupied Denamrk, the Jewish population was 7,500. 0.2% of the country's total population. -
Italy Joins the War
Italy joined the war on June 10, 1940. Italy was part of the Axis. Being part of the Axis means they were allied with Germany. -
France Signed an Armistice
On June 22, 1940, France signed an armistice. It provided for the German occupation of the northen half of the country. It also permitted the establishment of a collaborationist regime in the south. -
Invading the Soviet Union.
Along with their allies, the Germans invaded the Soviet Union. This was in direct violation of the German-Soviet Pact. In June and July, the Germans also occupied the Baltic Sea. -
Declares War On The U.S.
On Dec. 11, 1941, Nazi Germany declared war on the United States. -
On Sep. 12, 1942, a major deportation occured. Germans completed the mass deportation of about 265,000 Jews from Warsaw to Treblinka -
Rescue Of Jews
On October 1, 1943, the Jewish people in Denamrk were "rescued." -
After the Germa defeat at Stalingrad, Admiral Miklos Horthy and Prime Minister Miklos Kallay recognized that Germany would likely lose the war. They wanted to negotiate a separate armistice for Hungary with the western Allies. In order to forestall these efforts, German forces occupied Hungary on March 19, 1944. -
On June 6, 1944, D-Day occuired. tThe Allied forces invaded Normandy, France.