• Germany invades Belgium

    Germany invades Belgium
    Germans plan were called for an attack at Belguim. Though the big armed german border. Beguim was nuteral and was protected by tretey by great Briten. the german fought on August 3rd Then the next day Great Briten war on Granmany.
  • Period: to

    World War I

    The World war one was called Great War or World war. It started on Jult 28 1914 to November 11 1918. the war was made of the worlds powerful countrys.
  • Germans retreat north to Soissons after the battle of Marne

    Germans retreat north to Soissons after the battle of Marne
    The Germans were going to retreat from the battle. But they were going to make a hugr strike on the Frenchs on the left. At that time the Germans were already retreating from the battle. The French were stund by what just hapened. The french retreated to Paris.
  • First Zeppelin Bombs Endland

    First Zeppelin Bombs Endland
    the Zeppelin had bombs and machine guns. A Zeppelin was a type of air ship used in WWI. The Zeppelin was a big success. the term of Zeppelin is acully refer to all airships. Zeppelins were the first commercial airline.
  • Greman naval blockade of England begins

    Greman naval blockade of England begins
    The Germans made the blockade because the Germans did not want ships coming in and out of England. The Germans wanted to stop the flow of suplise coming in to Allies on the front lines. The Germans were detremanted to keep the ships out. The Germans used U-bouts to distroy any ships leaving or entering the port.
  • German submarine sinks the Lusitania passenger ship.

    German submarine sinks the Lusitania passenger ship.
    A german submarine destroyed the Luistania, a british passenger ship, off the coast of Ireland. Nearly 1,200 people died, including 128 Americans. Germany was not ready to risk war with the United States. It went to stop at attacking neutral ships without warning.
  • Germans take Warsaw

    Germans take Warsaw
    the Germans occupyed Warsaw during the period of success that followed their breakthrough victory at Gorlice-Tarnow. the Germans had reached the Narevthe first week. the Germans were able to take out the city with a fight. the Russians lost 90,000 men that day.
  • Germans begin the battle of Verdun

    Germans begin the battle of Verdun
    The battle of Verdun was a major battle in WWI on the western front. It was fought between the German and the French arm's. From February 21 to December 15. The battle to place on the hilly terrain north of the city Verdun-sur-Meuse. By the end of the battle the second Army had pushed back the Germans.
  • British and German fleet fight in the Battle of Jutland

    British and German fleet fight in the Battle of Jutland
    The battle was a naval battle between the British Fleet and the Germans Fleet. It was the largest battle fought on May 31 and June 1 1916 in the North sea near Jutland, Denmark. It was the largest naval battle. The only full-scale clash of battle ships in this war. it was only the third-ever fleet action between steel ships.
  • French Victory at Verdun

    French Victory at Verdun
    This battle was a major batle in Would War I. It was fough in February 21 to Decomber 15. It took place on the hilly terrian north of the city Verdun in north eastern France. It was fought agains between Franch and German. the French won with there great tactics.
  • Germans resume unrestricted submarine warfare

    Germans resume unrestricted submarine warfare
    this day the Germans U-boats threat as Germany retuarn policy of unrestricted submarine warfare. Germany had 46 large submarines captible. the Germans also had 23 U-Boats. The Germans know that a submarine warfare would loss in 600,000 tons of shiping per months.
  • United States declares war on Germany

    United States declares war on Germany
    The United States declares war on Germany because German U-boat sank the Lusitania. United States was mad at the Germans for killing 121 Americans. America had to make a great army to fight a powerful country. they needed money for food and suplise for the men.
  • American troops start landing in France

    American troops start landing in France
    America landed 14,000 troops in France. The landing zone was top secret so the Garmans could not find us. we were far away from ready fighting along the Wastern front. the British thought that we were untrained. they also thought that we were ill-equipped.
  • End of Second Battle of the Marne

    End of Second Battle of the Marne
    the Second battle of the Marne was the last Major battle. the German attack failed when the Allied counterattack by France. there were many casualties from that battle. it was the Truning point of the war.
  • Allies initiate their last offensive on the western front

    Allies initiate their last offensive on the western front
    The French had a large army by the end of the war. the Brithish had a small arny in 1914 by The End of the war it has become a bigger amry. The American when they enter the in 1917 they had a small profesional army. By the end of the mid 1918 the Americans were ready to assault the Germans.
  • Germany signs armistice: World War I ends

    Germany signs armistice: World War I ends
    The armistice between the allies and Germany was an agreement that ended the fighting in the First World War. On November 11 1918, it was a victory for the allies and it was a defeat for Germany. The Germans were responding by American President, Woodrow Wilson. The war took place in a railway carrige in Compiegne Forest. At the end the Germans didn't surrender.