Veteran Nice
Nice was born in Philadelphia on November 18, 1882, Nice would look back on his family and the people before him, who had fought since they had landed in this country in 1673, and had been preceded and presented in every war in which America took part in. -
The Creation of The Machine Gun
The first actual machine gun was created in 1884 from inspiration from the Gatling gun and was created by Hiram Maxim, this gun fired continuously by holding the trigger, and didn’t need to reload because the ammo was directly attached to an ammo bandolier. This weapon was used in WW1 to fight, and it drastically changed the war. -
Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand was killed in Sarajevo while driving in a vehicle with his wife. This would cause an outrage with in Austria-Hungary, and make the people of Austria riot over, how and why he was killed. Franz Ferdinand was an important leader that was a prime reason for Austria-Hungary's success for some time. -
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Austria-Hungary Declares war on Serbia
The death of Austria-Hungary's leader, on Serbia land, lead to Austria declaring war on Serbia instead of negotiating. Finally, this created alliances and made nations declare war with one another, Germany declared war on Russia, and France, other countries would take sides. -
Western Front
The Schlieffen Plan was an aggressive military strategy were the Germans would fight the war on multiple fronts, invading France by pushing through Belgium, and also they will be confronting Russia in the east this was done to increase their efficiency, so they could solve two of their problems at once. -
Eastern Front
Russian forces invaded German areas but were pushed back, by Austrian/Germans forces, this was the battle of Tannenberg. Austria and Germany won the battle of Tannenberg, although the victory wasn’t great because Russia forced Germany to move two corps from the western front to make the fight on that front worsen. -
The First Battle of the Marne
French and British forces fought against the invading German forces. The German forces were within 30 miles of Paris, and France and Britain's forces decided to counterattack, which pushed the Germans back to the Aisne River. The battles were particularly long, because of the trench warfare, and took a lot of resources from both sides. -
The Creation of Poison Gas
Germans terrified the allied nation and ended up destroying the Allied nations by a landslide thanks to their victory using poison gas in 1915. Although poison gas was gained attention in WW1, it was actually first used properly by the French in 1912 with their tear gas, used for police operations. -
Gunner Nice in the heart of it All
Nice was in the inferno of carnage, and full-heartedly says that “he wouldn’t mind going back again,” although he didn’t specifically say what the conditions were that he spoke of, and only mention that “under certain conditions” he would go back. After 14 years of service, his thoughts would come back to him, like how he stopped a bullet there within in his forearm, however it is just a flesh wound. -
America Enters WW 1
The United States stayed at the sidelines as the war sprang off in Europe, However it was becoming more and more difficult for the United States to remain neutral, this is because of the business being done with each nation, the German navy would fire and attack American merchant ships,and other American vessels, because Germany assumed they were British vessels, that were against Germany. Germany would sink four more ships in a month, this would make Congress on April 2nd, 1917