Written Evaluation

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    Afghanistan war

    As it name says, afghanistan went on a war. United Stated and other countries got in the conflict, a lot of money was spent, and a lot of people died.
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    Iraq war

    War of Iraq
  • 2008 Crisis

    This event was a really important and crucial event on the American contemporary period. The 2008 crisis was an event that made a lot of people lose their jobs and sleep in the streets. Summarising, this was because of the fast increase of housing prices, and then its rapid decrease.
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    Syrian Civil War

    Civil war of Syria.
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    Ukrainian war

    Conflict between Russia and Ukraine that last until today. It was started by the president, Vladimir Putin by a piece of land and other things. Countries like the US got involved.
  • Covid-19

    The rise of Covid-19 made everyone go on to quarantine ,and because of that, people lost their jobs and a lot of money. A lot of business went broke, and the rise of TikTok started. Not only this, people got sick with the virus and a lot of people died.
  • Creation of ChatGPT

    The AI ChatGPT was created on november 30, 2022. This was the start of one of the most used and important AI.