Troy ( Trojan War )
Analysis-The City of Troy was, the main spot that consisted of the Trojan war. The Trojan War was a time period were innocent were killed.Lots of Chaos aroused or seem to be coming thru the period of the Trojan War.The motives behind the Trojan war was the kidnappings of Helen the goddess of life & Death. Summary: The Trojan war involved a lot of gods and goddesses.Helen the goddess of life & Death,was the main thing of the motives of the Trojan war,why because she was kidnapped. -
Nov 14, 1200
Anaysis: Cyclops were known for their body, and their. In the story cyclops were easily manipulated. The cyclops was manipulated thru wine, and was willing to believe anything that's told to them Summary: the cyclops were know for their strength, and for the wars they faught I'm. Odysessus managed to get free from the hands of an cyclops using wine,as a weapon. -
Nov 14, 1200
Lotus eater
Analysis: The lotus eaters seem to be dangerous by the way they are perceived in the book, they gave the men of Odysseus ship sum fruit that was very intoxicating to them.the fruit was causing them forget all thoughts or memories of home, and gave them the urge to eat more fruit. Odysseus had to drag his men to the ship on by one, and look them below the ship and wait for it to wear off. Summary: Lotus eaters lived up to its title, they were perceived as threats . -
Nov 16, 1200
Aeolus bag of winds
Analysis: The bag of winds,seems to have a bad effect on the ship of Odysseus.His shipsmates were driven by curiosity and decide to open the bag of winds after being warned.The bag of winds caused Storm. Summary: The bag of winds being opened produced a storm, which allowed the shipmates to reroute their course unwillingly.as soon as they were approaching Ithaca.the shipmates do not listen to warnings -
Nov 17, 1200
Analysis: Circe Drugs basically the whole of crew of Odysseus.She makes false circumstances ,to Odysseus making him believe that she can cast a spell to to help protect him against from her drug. Summary:She is considered to be the witch of sourcerer of some kind. That has some intelligence in the arts of magic. At a point in time she tries o strike Odysseus with a sword. But she fails -
Nov 18, 1200
Analysis: The sirens in Odysseus were considered to be an influence,promising to tell then the future, and they receive anything that they can wish for. But Circe had intrsucted the shipmates of Odysseus ship to put beeswax in their ears to prevent them from being sucked in their influences. Summary: Circe helped Odysseus get pass the the Island of Sirens.The Sirens we’re singing a persuasive song that promised to reveal their future. -
Nov 19, 1200
Scylla & Chardyia
Analysis: this is one of the few obstacles that stood in the way of Odysseus and his shipmates while on their journey to get to your destination. Summary: this was a six headed beast,that was seen as a threat that wanted to of course kill him and his shipmates. -
Nov 19, 1200
Helios Cattle
Analysis: One of the cattles of the sun god was killed by Odysseus,and the sun god commanded the other gods like Zeus to go and pinish him as a sort of revenge. Summary: Odysseus had a title to his name, like foolisheness and disobedience.Those words followed him around.Specially after killing the sun gods cattle,with furigated him, with cause to retaliate and punish Odysseus thru the other gods power -
Nov 23, 1200
The suitors
Analysis: The Suitors, become an obstacle that gets in the way of Odysseus. Penelope and Telemachus had got into a fight with the Suitors. Summary: The Suitors are representation of a guard or a guardian of some kind of the royal family. The seem to get into fights with those who gets in their way, without really showing mercy of any kind.