Period: 1500 BCE to Jan 1, 600
Values: Honor, Bravery, Loyalty, Logic -
800 BCE
The Iliad is composed.
The Iliad was written by Homer. It is an epic saga recounting the adventures of the Trojan War. -
447 BCE
The Parthenon is constructed.
The Parthenon was the main temple of Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom. It was located atop the Acropolis in the center of the powerful city of Athens, Greece. It is one of the most copied buildings of all time. This piece of art best represents the classical era: it is stately and proud. A fresco of gods, goddesses and heroes adorns the roof. When I think of the classical era, this building, this wonder of architecture, is my first thought. -
Rome falls.
When the last Roman Emperor, Romulus, was overthrown by the germanic leader Odoacer, the order brought about by the Roman Empire finally came to an end. This triggered the dawn of a new age...a Dark Age... -
Period: Jan 1, 600 to Jan 1, 1300
Values: Religion, Survival, Modesty -
Jan 1, 1290
Giotto's paintings.
Giotto, who lived during the Middle Ages, could be considered the father of realistic art. His paintings were revolutionary, as they used perception and shading to make them more realistic. I chose this work of art, because it breathes religion, simplicity, and modesty. When you see it, you do think of the Medieval period. -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Values: Exploration, Invention, Emotion -
Jan 1, 1454
Gutenberg Press
The first printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1454 was arguably the most important object ever created by man. It opened the floodgates of knowledge that could now be shared more widely with the public. This information was one of the key events that let Europe emerge from the Dark Ages and into the light of the Renaissance. -
Jan 1, 1512
Michelangelo finishes the Sistine Chapel
The Sistine Chapel frescoes are a perfect example of the artwork at the time of the Renaissance. The values of religion, exploration, and humanity are all present. Additionally, God's cloak is patterned after a human brain, signifying the new wisdom and knowledge being uncovered during the Renaissance Era. -
John Locke publishes his essay on Natural Rights.
Locke's writings were the inspiration that men like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin drew from to create America. His works are largely responsible for the Age of Enlightenment. -
Period: to
Values: Logic, Secularism, Order, Intelligence, Realism, Experimentation -
Seed Drill
Jethro Tull invented the seed drill in 1701, revolutionizing farmer's ability to produce. Before Tull, seeds were planted by flinging them randomly on a field. It was a very ineffective system, and the seeds were subject to being eaten by birds. Because of the seed drill, however, the seeds-planted-to-crops-harvested ratio went up by a factor of 1:9. It is one of the many causes for the Industrial Revolution and the Modern Era. -
Benjamin Franklin is born.
Benjamin Franklin played a critical role in the freeing and founding of the United States of America. He negotiated with the French to gain their friendship in the Revolutionary War. Franklin invented bifocals, discovered electricity, signed the Declaration and the Constitution, and he enjoyed debating and chess. This painting really is a symbol of the entire Enlightenment Era. It is realistic, and it oozes intelligence and, well, enlightenment. Franklin and the painting look very practical. -
French Revolution begins.
The French people revolt against King Louis XVI, replacing him with the dictator Napolean. Although generally considered unsuccessful, the French Revolution may have had a greater impact upon mankind than any other revolt—with the exception of the American Revolution. I chose this work of art because "Liberty Leading the People" was immodest and this was the next best work of art. It depicts war and revolt, with a lot of emotion in the painting—qualities of the Romantic Era. -
Period: to
Values: Emotion, Exploration, Revolution,Youth, Impulse, Thought -
Queen Victoria is born.
Queen Victoria ushered in a new era of change. This work of art is the one I chose to signify the Age of Victoria. It is a practical portrait, like Benjamin Franklin's—and she herself is very modest in the painting. -
Period: to
Values: Morality, Reform -
Period: to
Values: Progress, Uncertainty, Abstraction, Secularism, Parody, Dynamism -
WWI begins.
World War One (AKA WWI, The Great War) was one of the greatest wars of all time—hence, the name. -
WWII begins.
World War Two was even more devastating than its predecessor. -
Modern Art
Jackson Polluck's artwork (including the above image, Full Fathom Five) was revolutionary in that it followed no rules whatsoever—he did whatever he wanted with the paint. The Modern values are all there: recklessness, innovation, abstraction, and disorder. -
Period: to
Values: Perception, Progress, Entertainment -
Post Modern Art
Roy Lichtenstein's artwork (including the one here, "Oh...Alright...") exemplify the artwork at this time. It is bright and colorful, and almost entertaining to look at. There's a little perception involved, too, when you think about how all the dots work together to form an image, but if you looked at each one individually, you'd see only red and yellow dots. -
The Computer
Invented by Paul G. Allen and Bill Gates, the Personal Computer changed the world. It ushered in the Space Age and the Information Age, along with Postmodernism itself. -
Period: to
Post Postmodernism
Values: Transcendency, Entertainment, Secularism, Immorality, Parody, Humor -
Post Postmodern Art
This is one of my favorite styles of architecture, but personally I think the art is ridiculous. I chose this because the Burj Kalifa in Dubai is built with the values of Post Postmodernism, including transcendency, simplicity, and power. It is the tallest building in the world.