Period: 500 to Apr 26, 1500
Medieval Worldview
Period: Apr 25, 1300 to
Renaissance Worldview
Apr 26, 1311
Duccio I love this piece because it shows that people are bowing down to Jesus in reverence of Him. It is a really beautiful piece that shows so much detail. -
Apr 25, 1503
Mona Lisa
Leonardo Da Vinci
I chose this piece because the Mona Lisa is quite famous actually, and she carries an air of mystery about her. She is not quite smiling, but almost smirking a little bit, to show that she knows her secret and we don’t! -
Period: to
Enlightenment Worldview
An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump
This piece is interesting. It seems to have a dark background, a bit mysterious. It seems as if everyone is curious as to if the experiment will work! -
Period: to
Romantic Worldview
Wanderer above the Sea of Fog
Caspar David Friedrich
I love this piece of art. The man standing on the cliff is just looking around him at the beautiful scene around him. The nature around him is just stunning! -
Period: to
Victorian Worldview
Starry Night
Vincent Van Gogh
Starry Night is just a beautiful, swirl of the night sky. It captures the simplicity and loveliness of the dark and bright of the sky. -
Period: to
Modern Worldview
The Scream
Edvard Much
The Scream is a mystery, a different piece of art. The sky and clouds are curvy, the face itself is mysterious and it looks as if there is a warp to the picture, but one that is meant to be. -
Period: to
Post-Modern Worldview
Campbell's Soup Can
Andy Warhol This piece is really cool because it’s a can of SOUP and it looks so cool! Like something out of a comic book, but with a whole new art look.