59 BCE
Acta Diurna Populi Ronani
Julius Caesar ordered this publication and it was basically the daily acts of the people. This allowed sharing of the senates power and spread ideas and writings throughout the nation. -
Roman Wall Graffiti
Ordinary people share messages, advertisements, political slogans, and personal messages all along the walls of the Roman towns. -
Transmit and receive messages over long distances -
Advanced Research Projects Agency created in response to the launch of the Sputnik -
First electronic messages sent -
Beginning of Internet, used for research within universities -
First major commercial online service provider in the U.S. -
Users could post articles or posts to newsgroups, founded by Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis. -
World Wide Web
Founded in Switzerland -
Harvard Mark l
First Computer -
Nextstep first service in North America -
First modern social network you could become friends with other users. -
Internet Corp for Assigned Names and Numbers, helps manage domain names -
Internet Relay Chat was used for file sharing, link sharing, and to let users keep in touch with one another. -
Was a blogging social media site -
Online encyclopedia that allows anyone to edit articles on their pages. Wikipedia is the largest general reference work online. -
Social networking site in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This site allowed users to connect with other members and share content online with their friends. -
One of the most popular social network sites, this site allowed users to create customized profiles and connect with other users. This site allowed photos, blogs, music, and videos -
One of the first social networking sites devoted to business. This site allows professional networking and job searching. -
Website that allows users to share and embed personal photographs online with users. -
Social networking site that allows users to share content, like and comment, and connect with users. This began with only allowing Harvard students to use the site but after its success they expanded in 2006. -
First major video hosting and sharing website. Users can upload videos and share them by embedding on other websites. -
One of the early on search engines -
Twitter is an online news and social networking site where users post opinions and impressions as "tweets". These tweets are restricted to 140 characters -
A microblogging and social networking site that allows users to post all kinds of multimedia and content to their own personal blog. Users can then share their content with other users. -
Music, podcast, and videostreaming site that allows users to share music online. -
A location based social media site that allows users to checck in to different locations around the world and share where they are and what they are doing with other users. -
Is a Mobile photosharing application that allows users to share pictures and videos with the public or just their friends. This app allows users to edit their pictures, tag their locations, and use hashtags in their posts -
Website that offers a catalog ideas to users in various topics from fashion, cooking, home decor, and daily inspiration. Users to create boards online and pin their ideas to their boards they create. -
Social networking tool where users can group contacts into circles and communicate with each other in video chat rooms -
Short form video hosting site where users could post 6 second videos.