World War 1- The Great War (By Seth Nelson)

  • Balkan Wars

    Balkan Wars
    (Started Oct 8, 1912) They were fighting for more territory and influence in Europe so they enter the war to continue. 1
  • Fear because of Austrian break in realations

    Fear because of Austrian break in realations
    The break in relations with Serbia after the assassination create fear in the allies. Britain and France were concerned about what to expect next. 4
  • "Home Front"

    "Home Front"
    This concept started during WWI because of the civilians actions to assist in the war. 5
  • Total War

    Total War
    Men on both sides of the war, ni the army and as civilians were included in WWI. Before this war this had not happened.5
  • Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
    Archduke Francis Ferdinand was the heir to the Austria Hungarian throne. He was assassinated in Sarajevo Bosnia. This made Germany pledge full support to Austria Hungary. And France supported Russia 1
  • The Ultimatum Issued

    The Ultimatum Issued
    After the assassination, the Austrian-Hungary Empire gave an ultimatum to the Serbs which they knew they could not uphold. This influenced going to war. 4
  • Rejected Ultimatum

    Rejected Ultimatum
    Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia because Serbia did not consent to the ultimatum. 1
  • Russia Mobilizes

    Russia Mobilizes
    In support of Serbia Russia mobilized on Austria Hungary. 1
  • Germany Threatens

    Germany Threatens
    The Germans threaten war on Russia if they did not demobilize out of Austria Hungary. At the same time Germany questioned France on their Allegiance and France said they would act in their own interest. 1,2
  • Germany Declares War

    Germany Declares War
    Germany declared war on Russia and France. Germany invaded Belgium to attack France. This invasion violated Belgium's neutrality. Causing Britain to declare war on Germany. 1,2
  • The Schlieffen Plan

    The Schlieffen Plan
    The Schlieffen Plan developed by Alfred von Schlieffen, German Army Chief of Staff, developed in December 1905, to defeat France in case of war, was put into affect. Germany Army invaded Luxenbourg and Belgium. 8
  • U.S remains neutral

    U.S remains neutral
    By August 6th, u.K., France, Germany, Russia, Serbia were at war but the U.S. did not get lured in yet and remained neutral. 2
  • The Battle of Togoland

    The Battle of Togoland
    This battle started on the 9th and was fought between the French and British pushing the Germans.
  • Battle of Tannenberg

    Battle of Tannenberg
    (Started on Aug 8th 1914) The Russian army invaded eastern Germany but was defeated. As a result of these defeats, the Russians were no longer a threat to Germany territory. 7
  • Battle of Marne

    Battle of Marne
    ( Started Sept 6, 1914) The German army was halted a short distance from Paris at the First Battle of the Marne. To stop the Germans, French military leaders loaded two thousands Parisian taxicabs with fresh troops and sent them to the front line.
  • Battle of Lemburg

    Battle of Lemburg
    ( Started Aug 23, 1914) This was a major battle between Austria Hungary and Russia.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    In hopes of not losing anymore ground, German troops dug in to the ground because they were being pushed back by allied forces. This is a form of an early turning point because it was a new war strategy that caused the allied forces not to gain ground. 7
  • Battle of Masurian Lakes

    Battle of Masurian Lakes
    Russia moved into Eastern Germany but was then defeated on September 15, as a result of these losses the Russians were no longer threat to the German territory. 7
  • First Battle of Ypres

    First Battle of Ypres
    (Started 10 19, 1914) This was a first world war battle fought around ypres
  • Battle of Lodz

    Battle of Lodz
    (Started Nov 11, 1914) This battle was fought between poland and Russia
  • Men with no rifles

    Men with no rifles
    The Russian army had 6,553,000 men and only 4,652,000 rifles. Many men had to wait for a man to fall in battle in order to get a rifle. The propaganda of going to war to gain influence and territory didn't match the poor conditions the fighters had to deal with.
  • Truce

    Christmas Day truce on December 24th, 1915 even though the First Battle of Marne was extremely violent. This even influenced some writings later about the ability to stop fighting for one day. 20
  • Zeppelins

    First German zeppelin air raid on England, Germany soon finds out that the zeppelins are very easy to shoot down. 6,8
  • Battle of Masuria

    Battle of Masuria
    (Started Feb 7, 1915) This was a German offensive on the Eastern front to push through the Russians
  • Battle of Neuve Chapelle

    Battle of Neuve Chapelle
    This battle started on March 10th and ended on March 13th it was a British offense to the france.
  • The Second Battle of Ypres

    The Second Battle of Ypres
    This battle was the first use of chemical weapons, it was used against the Italian and it ended may 5, 1915
  • Gas Attack

    Gas Attack
    Germans introduced poison gas in Belgium which killed hundreds of French soldiers. This was a major turning point strategy in the war as it had to be overcome with masks, money, and many died in the meantime. 7
  • Turkish genocide

    Turkish genocide
    Turkish genocide of the Armenians in 1915 where they used WWI as an excuse to kill Armenians. 12
  • Submarine Warfare

    Submarine Warfare
    Lusitania a British passenger liner was sunk by Germany off the shore of Ireland. 128 Americans were killed the United States were angry and joined the war on the British side. 6, 8,10,11
  • Tsar Nicholas

    Tsar Nicholas
    He was the last emperor of Russia he ruled from November 1, 1894 and to when he was forced to his adbication on March 15, 1917.
  • The Battle Of Loos

    The Battle Of Loos
    This battle started in september 25 and this was one of the britishs biggest attacks.
  • Battle of Gallipoli

    Battle of Gallipoli
    (Started on Feb 19th 1915) This battle ended Turkeys participation in the war, the turks lost 300,000 men and the allies lost 214,000.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    This was one of the largest battleship battle and Britain had the most deaths. 6, 8, 11
  • The Brusilov Offensive

    The Brusilov Offensive
    This was push form the Russia greatest feat of arms towards Germany
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    (Started July 1, 1916) This was one of the most expensive battles for Britain, the British failed to take over the Germans, the Germans waited out the attack.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    (Started Feb 21, 1916) In history this was the battle with the most deaths and this caused Germany to lose the war.
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    This was a note authored by German foreign secretary Arther Zimmerman written to Mexico encouraging them to declare war against the United States. It promised Mexico Arizona, New Mexico, Texas as a reward. But the note was intercepted by American intelligence. 10,2
  • Vladimir Lenin

    Vladimir Lenin
    Led a radical socialist group called the Bolshevicks which was a factor in the Russian revolution beginning. 9
  • Russia's decline

    Russia's decline
    The toll on Russian was large as they had lost a million men in the July push. They didn't have enough weapons or food. Many men left the army and went back to their homes.Domestic discontent caused people not to support the war effort anymore. 3
  • Russia's army desolves

    Russia's army desolves
    On the eastern front about 2 million men left the army because of the poor conditions they had to fight in. 3
  • Hindenburg Line Built

    Hindenburg Line Built
    (Started in Winter 1916) Built by the Germans in Northern France this consisted of wide trenches, thick belts of barbed wire, concrete bunkers, machine guns, tunnels, concrete command posts.
  • Russia Collapses

    Russia Collapses
    The Tsarist government collapses ending the royal rule for 300 years. The provisional government decides to stay in the war.
  • Battle Of Messines

    Battle Of Messines
    This Battle was fought in Belgium and fought between France and Germany
  • The sinking of the Laconia

    The sinking of the Laconia
    A german u boat sinks this boat off the coast of africa.
  • US Declares War

    US Declares War
    The United States declares war on Germany and stops the German advance. This is a turning point in the U.S. participation in WWI. 10
  • Battle of Vimmy Ridge

    Battle of Vimmy Ridge
    The Canadian troops successfully wiped out the German troops for a successful allied advancement. Economic rivalry helped Canada join forces with the U.S. in the war. 2
  • The Battle Caporetto

    The Battle Caporetto
    The Austria- Hungarian and German troops break though Italian lines causing a change in Italian government. The battle was easily won because the defense was light and unsuspecting and the weather was cloudy for coverage in the attack. Hundreds of thousands lost their lives. 11
  • The 3rd Battle of Ypres

    The 3rd Battle of Ypres
    (Started July 31, 1917) British troops tried to break through German lines and failed resulting in 400,000 British deaths. 6, 11
  • Armistice Signed

    Armistice Signed
    Armistice signed at Brest Litovsk by Russia and Germany. Intent was to withdraw from the war.This was sparked by widespread discontent about the war in Russia. 9
  • Germany Moves

    Germany Moves
    Germany launches one of their final attacks coming within 30 miles of Paris.
  • U Boats

    U Boats
    The U boats were succsesful in stopping the US soldiers from crossing the Atlantic Ocean. The oceans allowed these U boats to take a heavy toll on the US 8
  • German Leaders Armistice

    German Leaders Armistice
    Ludendorff and Hindenburg recommend armistice. Hindenburg previously drew the U.S into war with the submarines. 10
  • Piave Offensive

    Piave Offensive
    This was an Italian Victory against Austrian hungary and the second battle fought there at that location.
  • St. Mihiel Offensive

    St. Mihiel Offensive
    Theis offensive push involved Americans and the french against German troops.
  • President Wilson 14 Points

    President Wilson 14 Points
    This was a statment for peace that would be used for peace negotiotioans
  • Third Battle of Aisne Ends

    Third Battle of Aisne Ends
    (Started May 27th, 1918) This battle pushed the french back to the Marne.
  • Kaiserschlacht aka Ludendorff Offensive Ends

    Kaiserschlacht aka Ludendorff Offensive Ends
    (Started March 21, 1918) This battle pushed the British back 40 miles and caused 163,000 British casualties. 250,000 German casualties
  • The Second Battle of Marne Ends

    The Second Battle of Marne Ends
    (Started July 15th, 1918) This was a final push by Germany but they did not succeed and retreated to the Hindenburg.
  • Black Day

    Black Day
    The black day was when Germany was defeated, when Canadian troops reached the Hindenburg line.
  • Hindenburg line

    Hindenburg line
    A massive ally attack breaks through Hindenburg line. 6
  • Mutiny

    German sailors and fleet mutiny at Kiel.
  • Czechoslovakia

    Czechoslovakia declares independence from Austria Hungary.
  • Armistice

    Turkey agrees to an armistice with the allies.
  • German Emperor

    German Emperor
    Kaiser Willhelm II, German Emperor and king of Prussia adbicates his throne.
  • Armistice Day

    Armistice Day
    At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, Germany signs an Armistice with the allies.
  • Death Toll

    Death Toll
  • The War Guilt Cause

    The War Guilt Cause
    Declared that Germany was responsible for starting the war. They had to pay for damages from allied governments. 14
  • The Treaty Of Versailles

    The Treaty Of Versailles
    A peace settlement that ended the war in Paris, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey 14
  • Treaty of Versailles participants

    Treaty of Versailles  participants
    Participants were the US, France, and Great Britain and Germany. The location was the Versailles Palace in Paris.
  • Armenia citizens

    Armenia citizens
    Armenian citizens were sent to the desert to die, executed, and arrested until the Ottoman Empire collapsed. 12
  • Ottoman Empire

    Ottoman Empire
    Existed and only in defeat after WWI was any people indicted for the genocide and exiles of the Armenian people.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    Woodrow Wilson died on Feburary 3, 1924 he was an American politican and he was the 28th president of the United States.
  • Manhattan Transfer

    Manhattan Transfer
    John dos pasos wrote Manhattan Transfer after witnessing the brutality of the war
  • The Lost Generation

    The Lost Generation
    The lost generation (1920s- 1930s) was a group of writes who lived in paris during the war. These writers and artist used what they witnessed and turned it into literiture and art.
  • The Sun Also Rises

    The Sun Also Rises
    This book was written by Ernest Hemingway to express post war disilluisonment. 20
  • A Farewell to Arms

    A Farewell to Arms
    Ernest Hemingway volunteered to fight fight with the Italians and when the Italians were defeated he realized mid western importance. His experiences led him to write the Farewell to Arms. 20
  • Fitzgeralds Tender is The Night

    Fitzgeralds Tender is The Night
    Many people beileve that scott s. Fitzgerald wrote the best described passage in that time. "This land here cost twenty lives a foot that summer...See that little stream--we could walk to it in two minutes. It took the British a month to walk it--a whole empire walking very slowly, dying in front and pushing forward behind. And another empire walked very slowly backward a few inches a day, the dead like a million bloody rugs. No Europeans will ever do that again in this generation. 20