Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi party
Beer Hall Putsch, a failed coup by Hitler and the Nazi Party, led to Hitler's arrest
Mein Kampf is published by Hitler
Germany joins the League of Nations
Stock market crashes in the United States, causes a depression worldwide
Nazi party is elected into majority in parliament
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected
Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
The Reichstag is burned
Orienburg opens a concentration camp for political opponents and Jews
Enabling act was passed making Hitler the legal dictator
Jewish shops are boycotted, an order by Hitler
Nazis began burning books with non-German ideas
Dachau is opened as a concentration camp
Nazi party becomes the only party in German parliament
Germany quits the League of Nations
The Night of the Long Knives happens
Chancellor Dollfuss is murdered by the Nazis
President Hindenburg dies
Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany
Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles
Nuremburg Laws are enacted