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World War Two Timeline

  • Hitler's First "Saturday Surprise"

    Hitler's First "Saturday Surprise"
    In "defense," Hitler announced that he was rebuilding the German air force, reinstating the draft, and rearming the nation. Hitler said that that Germany needed and desired peace and this would help achieve that. He insisted that this was all preparation for war and said that "the German government is ready to agree to any limitation which leads to the abolition of the heaviest arms, especiall sutied for agression," meaning they want to eliminate those with tanks and heavy artillery.
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    World War Two Events

    These events are actions taken by Hitler and other nations which eventually lead to the United States declaring war on Japan in 1941. In this time Hitler increases violence and uses everything he has to obtain utmost power througout Europe.
  • Hitler's Second "Saturday Surprise"

    Hitler's Second "Saturday Surprise"
    On this day, German soldiers entered the Rhineland, a 31-miles wide strip of land which lies between Germnay, France and Belgium. The Treaty of Versaille said that although the land belongs to Germany, they can not occupy the land with troops. Hitler ignored the treaty and moved in, though the French never challenged Hitler and his army.
  • The Invasion of Austria

    The Invasion of Austria
    After becoming allies with Italy, Hitler was ready to make his move into Austria. Hitler posed threats and bared warning that he would indeed take over Austria to "restore order in a chaotic country." As a matter of fact, 99.7% of Austrian voters expressed approval of Hitler's invasion.
  • "Germany is Not Really Mistreating the Jews"

    "Germany is Not Really Mistreating the Jews"
    On this day, Hitler announced to the Reichstag that other nations were being hypocritical in saying that Germany has mistreated the Jews. Though he could not find a reason why they had refused the Jewish race, Hitler continued to preach to his country that they were bad people and were responsible for the ountries problems. Not to mention, Hitler soon took over the Czech and his idea of "Peace" lasted only six months.
  • The "Invasion" of Czechoslovakia

    The "Invasion" of Czechoslovakia
    In 1938, Hitler again was demanding for the occupation of foreign land. This time Hitler was after Czechoslovakia. The Prime Minister of the Czech, Neville Chamberlain, failed to compromise with Hitler and as a result, Hitler was given the Sudetenland (the Chzech).
  • Hitler Declaring War on Poland

    Hitler Declaring War on Poland
    On August 31st, the Nazis took a group of prisoners from a concentration camp near the Polish border, dressed them in Polish army suits, and killed them. Later that evening, Hitler declared war on Poland. The next Saturday, on September 2nd, Germany bombed a city in Poland called Piotrkow, killing many people.
  • The "Yellow Star"

    The "Yellow Star"
    By the end of 1939, all Jews had to wear the yellow star. This made it easier for Nazis to identify and punish Jews. This also gave way to many types of rules and strict punishment. For example, if a Jew were seen on the street between 9:00 PM and 5:00 AM they could be subject to up to 10 years in prison.
  • Conquering the West

    Conquering the West
    By the spring of 1940, the Nazis turned their attention to the West. In April, they conquered Denmark and Norway. In May, they conquered Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. By June, they had also over-ran France.
  • Invading Russia

    Invading Russia
    On this day, Hitler continued his mission of conquering all land and ordered to invade Russia (the Soviet Union at the time). His main goal was to destroy the "Jewish-Bolshevik menace." The German army invaded the Soviet Union followed by four SS units who all had their own territory to capture. By the end of 1941, the Nazis had murdered over 700,000 Jews, many of which were Russian.
  • The United States Enters the War

    The United States Enters the War
    On December 8th, 1941, The United States declared war on Japan. The day before, Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor, the US naval station in Hawaii. Two days later on December 11th, Germany, who was an ally of Japan, declared war on the US. This united the three powerful nations of Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United states to fight against Germany.