Hitler Invades Poland
On September 1, 1939, the Germany army invades Poland. Polish army was with in weeks of invasion . This invasion will trigger the second world war . -
Europe Goes To War
The invasion of Poland started the second world war . Britain declares war Germany the same day . It's ally France does the same. This is the start of World War Two . -
The Fall of France
On June 14, 1940, France surrendered to Germany. This was an major event beause one of the Allied Powers fell giving Germany more control over Europe. -
The Battle of Britain
The Battle of Britain . This is significant turning turning point . It was Germany's first defeat of the war . The defeat was great Hitler called off his invasion planes of Britain . This battle was fought in the air with planes . -
Pearl Harbor
The Axis power of Japan bombs Pearl Harbor near Honolulu Hawaii . This major event will cause the U.S.A to join the in Europe. -
The U.S.A Declares War
The U.S declares war on the Axis powers of Germany and Japan. This is very important because the U.S helpped win the war , and free France . -
Battle of Stalingrad
Germany tries to invade the Soviet Union ( Russia ) . Germay failed to invade more of Soviet land do to harsh winters . On February 2, 1943 , Germany surrenders and leaves the Soviet Union . This major because this is piont where Germany starts to lose the war . -
On June 6, 1944, the Allied invasion of Western Europe Started. This is invasion would free countries from German occupation including France. -
Battle of The Bugle
he was the largest battle in Western Europe during World War Two . It was the largest battle ever founght by the U.S Army. This important because after we won this battle most German leaders knew the war was lost . -
The War Ends
The war Europe ends . Now, it's time to rebuild .