Japanese Invasion of China
1.) A clash occurred between Chinese and Japanese troops near Peiping in North China
2.) Growing tensions between China and Japan
3.) Troops intensified military activity on the part of Japan -
German Blitzkrieg
1.) This was a war tactic, used in attacking countries like Poland, Denmark, and Norway
2.) The Germans thought this tactic was reliable
3.) Germans were able to defeat several countries -
Period: to
German Topics
Fall of Paris
1.) Paris fell under German control
2.) The Germans wanted the French to surrender to them during the war
3.) This strengthened ties between the U.S. and Great Britain -
Pearl Harbor
1.) This was an undetected surprise attack from the Japanese in the state of Hawaii that killed almost 2,000 people
2.) Japan and the U.S. were on the brink of war; Japan drew first blood
3.) This attack caused the United States to enter the war -
Wannsee Conference
1.) This was a high-level metting, taking place in Berlin
2.) For the Nazi's to discuss the "Final Question" of the Jewish Solution
3.) This was the start of the mass killing of Jews -
The Battle of Midway
1.) A naval battle in which the United States defeated Japan
2.) This was caused by Japan’s desire to sink the American aircraft carriers that had escaped destruction at Pearl Harbor
3.) The victory allowed the United States and its allies to move into an offensive position -
Allied Invasion of Italy
1.) There were thirty eight days of fighting, the U.S. and Great Britain successfully drove German and Italian troops from Sicily and prepared to assault the Italian mainland
2.) This was to end facism in Europe
3.) Did not have direct effect on the war, but it caused a battle in the main land -
1.) "Allied troops invade German-occupied France and face near certain death on the beaches of Normandy.."
2.) The liberation of Western Europe from Nazi control during World War II
3.) "Resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany’s control..." -
Liberation of Concentration Camps
1.) The United States discovered the concentration camps, and gave freedom to the diseased and starving jews
2.) The camps had been kept secret from the U.S., but had been located and dismantled
3.) The Jewish people had a long road to recovery -
Battle of the Bulge
1.) -
The Battle of Iwo Jima
1.) U.S. Marines landed on, and eventually captured the island of Iwo Jima from the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II
2.) It occurred because the U.S. was following a military strategy of island hopping
3.) There were lots of Ameican deaths -
VE Day
1.) This was a celebrated holiday by Europeans
2.) The surrender of Nazi-Germany
3.) This marked the end of WWll -
Potsdam Declaration
1.) A statement that called for the surrender of all Japanese armed forces during World War II
2.) This was to insure Japan's formal surrender
3.) The response of the Japanese was that of mokusatsu, which can be interpreted in a very negative way, "to kill with silence", Leading to a decision to carry out the threat of destruction -
Dropping of the Atomic Bombs
1.) The cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were atomically bombed
2.) This was caused by the attack of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, U.S. attacked
3.) Much larger effect than aware of; 10,000 deaths, cancer, destroyed cities -
VJ Day
1.) This was Japans formal surrender
2.) Japan backed down when the bombings of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki occured, they had fear
3.) The war ended; Facisism dies