World War Two

  • Period: to

    WW2 timeline

  • the invasion of poland

    the germans invaded poland using masive ground air and naval forces all at once. They used blitzkreig and hitler kept using it to obtain most of europe.
  • African theatre

    Americans, germans,italians, the axis forces all were fighting in africa to gain controll of the medeterainian. there were naval ground and airforce tactics used. the battle of torch
  • Japanese american interment

    After Pearl harbor 3000 japanese, italians, and germans were sent to ameria and put into internment camps. 70% of which were japanese.
  • the Bombing on Pearl harbor

    the bombing of the U.S Naval and airforce base by the Japanese which caused the U.S to enter the War
  • Battle of the pacific

    the battle of the the pacific was fought by the Allies and the Japanese in the pacific ocean and the islands. besides midland asia and the Philippines. The Battle of midway turning point in the pacific theater of war. it was the first time the allies had went on the offensive side. iwo jima was a devestating moral battle for the japanese.
  • The invasion of France

    This is when the U.S had opened up another front against the germans which had never happened before, so they had to stretch out there troops making them weaker.
  • The Holocaust

    The shoah was a more approriate term for the holocust created by the jews, the holocust was when germans had killed thousands of jews and put them in internment camps. the camps were liberated. Shows cofirms the nazi defeat. the discovery of the camps promted the nuremburg trials
  • The European theatre

    this was the date of the end of battle in europe which had started in 1939 with the invasion of poland. The allied forces also attaked europe in 1945. the battle of the buldge europe had a buldge in their line so hitler pulled troops out of the battle of russia and had attaked that buldge as a weakness. the operation market garden by the allies was what prolonged the war.
  • The Bombing of Nagasaki and Heroshima

    The U.S Bombed Japan to end WWII and it was a horrific event. So terrible that no one has tried to use nuclear weapons again. it also made the japanese surrender in the pacific war.
  • United Nations Charter

    this event was where most of the countries had come to gether and signed a treaty to make sure another world war did not occur again.
  • The trial of Martin Bormann

    This was just one case in which German internment camp supervisors were sentenced to death for their role in the inprisonment and killing of jews.
  • Creation of Isreal

    after the Shoah the jews had no homes to go back to and no country really was willing to accept the jews so they migrated to isreal and rebuilt their customs in isreal.