world war two

  • Franklin Roosevelt elected President

    Franklin Roosevelt elected President
    Franklin Roosevelt elected President
  • Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
  • German Reichstag Burns

  • First Concentration Camp opened

    First Concentration Camp opened
  • Germany quits the League of Nations

    Germany quits the League of Nations
  • Nazis murder Austrian Chancellor

  • Hitler Violates Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler Violates Treaty of Versailles
  • German Jews stripped of rights by Nuremburg Race Laws

  • Josef Stalin begins the purge of Red Army Generals

    Josef Stalin begins the purge of Red Army Generals
  • German military mobilizes

    German military mobilizes
  • Nazis capture Czechoslovakia

  • Nazis invade Poland

    Nazis invade Poland
  • France, Britain, New Zealand, and Austria declare war on Germany

    France, Britain, New Zealand, and Austria declare war on Germany
  • United States proclaims nuetrality

  • Soviets invade Poland

    Soviets invade Poland
  • Nazis begin euthanasia on sick and disabled in Germany

  • Germans bomb Paris; Dunkirk evacuation ends

    Germans bomb Paris; Dunkirk evacuation ends
  • German U-boats attack merchant ships in the Atlantic

    German U-boats attack merchant ships in the Atlantic
  • Roosevelt re-elected President

    Roosevelt re-elected President
  • Germans order Jews to wear yellow stars

    Germans order Jews to wear yellow stars
  • Japenese bomb Pearl Harbor

    Japenese bomb Pearl Harbor
  • United States and Britian declare war on Japan

  • Hitler declares war on United States

  • Japanese Americans sent to relocation centers

    Japanese Americans sent to relocation centers
  • Germany surrenders at Stalingrad, the first big defeat of Hitlers armies

  • British drop 3,000 tons of bombs on Hamburg, Germany

  • D-Day landings on the northern coast of France

    D-Day landings on the northern coast of France
  • First U.S atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan

    First U.S atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan
  • Second U.S atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan

    Second U.S atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan
  • United Nations in Born

    United Nations in Born