War is declared on Serbia by Austria-Hungary. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assasinated in Saraejevo, Bosnia
The Battle of Liege at Stone Bridge was the first land battle of WWI lasted twelvw days.
Battle of the Mons was the first battle that Air Warfare was used in. The Germans plan of attack was exposed by a French plane, this stoppedthe Germansintheir tracks.
Germany sank the British boat, "Lusitania", by torpedo, this changed the opinions of americans about the war
the Germans sent a five mile wide cloud of greenish-yellow gas over enemy trenches. This was the introduction to chemical warfare to World WarI
United States President, Woodrow Wilson declares war on Germany
<a href='http://http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/wilsonwar.htm' >America Declares War on Germany -
Sedition Act made it illegal to speak negitively about the government, constitution , the flag or the military
Second Battle of the Marne, both Us and Frech trrops pushed back German troops
TheVersailles Treaty was signed to help with future conflicts and to keep devistation to a minimum