The War Declaration
On August 4th 1914 Great Britain declared War on Germany, it was a decision that is seen as the start of world war one. Britain's PM at the time was Herbert Asquith. Canada by default is also entered into the war because Canada does not have any decisions in foreign affairs yet. Canada was under rule by Britain at the time meaning if they go to war or any other political changes happen Canada must follow along and obey, they are obligated to follow Britain no matter what. -
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World War One Times
The Second Battle Of Ypres
When Canadian soldiers arrived in Europe, they were sent to help the British and French troops on the front lines of Ypres Belgium as reinforcements. Germans unleashed gas attacks which caused many casualties in the battle and when Germans started pushing up to the frontlines of the allied forces, Canadian soldiers moved in as reinforcements to help stop Germans from breaking through. Canadian soldiers stopped the advancing push from the Germans, however it resulted in many Canadians deaths. -
The Deadly Gas Attacks
In the second battle of Ypres Germans unleashed a deadly poisonous gas called mustard gas (Chlorine gas). Germans released the gas to kill many allied soldiers to break through their frontlines. They used the winds current to unleash the attacks, however over time the allied forces started to catch on and created gas masks and unleashed their own mustard gas using the wind. During the duration of the battle the gas attacks became less effective and Germans failed to push through. -
The Battle Of The Somme
General Douglas Haig believed the allied force could break through the Germans frontlines at the Somme river. For two weeks before the battle allied artillery bombarded the German lines in hopes of destroying all trenches and barbed wires protecting them. When the Canadians troops began advancing into no mans land on July 1 1916, they found out the tactic failed and German were prepared with machine guns. On November 1916 the battle ended with over 650,000 dead and very little territory gained. -
The Battle Of Vimy Ridge
This land was considered a crucial vantage point for the war that needed to be taken. All four divisions of Canadians troops became one unit lead by Arthur Currie. Arthur Currie and his superior came up with a tactic called the creeping barrage. Soldiers were drilled info about the Germans positions and the plan and were trained for many weeks in advance. The first wave of 20,000 soldiers advanced and kept moving forward diligently, it only took Canadian soldiers one day to capture the ridge. -
In July 1917 Borden ruled out Conscriptions since there were way too many soldiers dying on the battlefield and not enough men enlisting to help fight in the war. When Borden won the elections in 1917 the conscription (forced to fight in the war) came into effect. This created an uproar in the nation many were against him and many also supported him. People started doing violent protests and riots. People even started having disputes and distrust in each other. The conscription act was a mess. -
The Battle Of Passchendaele
The Germans had been holding the Ypres lines for 4 years giving them plenty of time to make a strong base. Australia and new Zealand tried to break through, but failed with over 100,000 casualties. Haige ordered Canadian soldiers break through German defenses and again Currie came up with a tactic and trained his soldiers. Canadian soldiers began the advance on October 26 and on November 10 the ridge was captured. However to much was lost in the process and was a big dent to the allied forces. -
Women's Right To Vote
When Borden won the elections he also ruled out the military's voters act. Borden believed those who were close relatives of someone fighting in the war were likely to support the conscription and so he ruled out the military's voters act. This gave women that were close relatives of someone in the armed forces the right to vote in federal elections. However these women has to be older than 21 and not alien born or aboriginal, and who met provincial property ownership requirements. -
The German Armistice
On November 11 at 11am World War One ended. Germany agreed to an armistice and both sides agreed to stop the war. In fact it was Germany who started making overtures about an armistice early October. On November 7 a meeting was held to discuss the terms and conditions. On November 11 Foch and Erzberger met for the final negotiations, German emissary tried to persuade Foch to make the agreement less severe, so Foch did make a few small changes and finally at dawn the agreement was signed. -
The Aftermath For Canada
When Canada joined the war it entered as a colony of Britain an extension, but by the end it had a fighting force and a personal signature on the peace treaty signifying that national status had been achieved. Women's also got the right to vote in 1918 just like Borden had promise, but at the same time all alien born citizens had to start again from zero. Overall the war made Canada what it is right now and it wouldn't have been possible without the thousands of soldiers who risked their lives.