World war one

By Jack#7
  • Austrian Archduke francis ferdinand assassinated

  • Council of Austro-Hungarian Ministers approve of draft ultimatum to Serbia

  • Existence of secret agreement for mutual support between Italy and Rumania announced by respective Governments.

  • First battle of The Marne

  • Portugal seizes German steamers in the Tagus

  • Surrender of British troops at the siege of kut in Mesopotamia.

  • Settlement Treaty signed at Berlin between Germany and Turkey

  • Untied states congress declares war on Germany.

  • Congress of Soviets meet at Moscow to ratify treaty of peace with Central Powers

  • Hundred days offensive begin.

  • The treaty of versailies is signed, the league of nations is created.

  • The Allies secretly agree to military intervention in the Russian Civil War.

  • Federal agents break into the homes and meeting places of thousands of suspected revolutionaries in the thirty-three cities.

  • Washington Conference for Naval Disarmament was convened by the US, and Japan was invited to attend