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Timeline of World War One By James Bang

  • The causes of World War One

    The causes of World War One
    It was caused for some reason(Austria declared war on Serbia)
  • Germany joined the World War One

    Germany joined the World War One
    Germany declared war on Russia
  • Germany's invasion on other countries

    Germany's invasion on other countries
    Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium. Germany started to employ the Schlieffen plan.
  • Britain declared war on Germany

    Britain declared war on Germany
  • First Battle of Ypres

    First Battle of Ypres
  • Turkey entered the war on Germany's side.

    Turkey entered the war on Germany's side.
    Turkey joined the war and trench warfare started to occupy the Western Front.
  • Allied troops landed in Gallipoli

    Allied troops landed in Gallipoli
    Following Allies countries:
    USA, Soviet Union(Russia), United Kingdom, China, France, Poland, Canada, Austrailia, India, etc.
  • The "Lusitania" was sunk by a Germany U-boat

    The "Lusitania" was sunk by a Germany U-boat
  • Italy declared war on Germany and Austria

    Italy declared war on Germany and Austria
  • The Germans captured Warsaw from the Russians

    The Germans captured Warsaw from the Russians
  • Start of the Battle of Loos

    Start of the Battle of Loos
  • The Allies started the evacuation of Gallipoli

    The Allies started the evacuation of Gallipoli
  • Conscription introduced in Britain

    Conscription introduced in Britain
    Britain needed more sodiers.
  • Start of the Battle of Verdun

    Start of the Battle of Verdun
  • Start the Battle of Jutland

    Start the Battle of Jutland
  • Start of the Brusilov Offensive

    Start of the Brusilov Offensive
  • Start of the Battle of Somme

    Start of the Battle of Somme
    This battle was one of the most important battles to Canadian.
  • First use of tanks at the Somme

    First use of tanks at the Somme
  • Germany's unrestrited submarine warfare campaign started

    Germany's unrestrited submarine warfare campaign started
  • USA declared war on Germany

    USA declared war on Germany
    Germany broke the rules
  • Start of the Third Battle at Ypres

    Start of the Third Battle at Ypres
  • Battle of Caporetto

    Battle of Caporetto
    The Italian Army was heavily defeated.
  • Britain launched a major offensive on the Western Front

    Britain launched a major offensive on the Western Front
  • British tanks won a victory at Cambrai

    British tanks won a victory at Cambrai
  • Armistice between Germany and Russia signed

    Armistice between Germany and Russia signed
  • Germany broke through on the Somme

    Germany broke through on the Somme
  • Germany asked the Allies for an armistice

    Germany asked the Allies for an armistice
  • Germany's navy mutinied

    Germany's navy mutinied
  • Turkey made peace

    Turkey made peace
  • Austria made peace

    Austria made peace
  • Germany signed an armistice with the Allies

    Germany signed an armistice with the Allies
    The official date of the end of World War One.