World War One Abshire

  • Triple Alliance is formed between Germany, A-H, Italy

    Triple Alliance is formed between Germany, A-H, Italy
    Before the Tripple Alliance was formed Otto von Bismark of Germany created the Dual Alliance with Austria-Hungary and Germany. After three years, Italy joind the Dual Alliance making it the Tripple Alliance. This effected the war becasue it drew nations in Europe into war because of rivalry and power.
  • Wilhelm II forces Bismarck to resign and ends treaty with Russia

    Wilhelm II forces Bismarck to resign and ends treaty with Russia
    Two years prior to the Tripple Alliance was formed Wilhelm II took power, but he didnt want to share it so he forced Otto von Bismark to resign. On top of taking all the power he ended the treaty with Russiaa, which made Germany an enemy to Russia and France who had formed an alliance. This was an effect in the war because it made natoins turn against Germany and it also caused Germany to figh at two front war.
  • 1894 Russia formed defensive military alliance with France

    1894 Russia formed defensive military alliance with France
    When Germany ended the treaty with Russia, they responded by making military alliance with France in 1892 and 1894 as a defense against Germany. This alliance was exactly what Bismark did not want because war with Russia and France made Germany a big enemy. This is an effect of the war becuase it created a two front war against Germany.
  • Britain formed entente (alliance) with France

    Britain formed entente (alliance) with France
    Wilhelm wanted to make the German navy equal to British fleet. This scared Great Britain so they formed an alliance with France. Which gave Germany another natoin to be worried about, and more natoins were getting involved in the war.
  • Britain formed the Triple Entente.

    Britain formed the Triple Entente.
    In 1907, Britain made another alliance France and Russia, called The Triple Entente. Its purpose was not to fight with France and Russia, but its purpose was that so they would not fiht against each other. Which was bad for Germany but benifitted France, Russia, and Great Britain.
  • Ferdinand and Sophie are assassinated by Princip

    Ferdinand and Sophie are assassinated by Princip
    Franz Ferdinand of Austrie-Hungry went to Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia, with his wife, Sophie. They were shot at point-blank range when they were driving in an open car through Sarajevo. Gavrilo Princip, the assinator, was a Serbian who was 19 and member of the Black Hand, which was a secret society that wanted Serbia to gain power over Austria. This impacted the war because the Austrians used this assinatoin as an excuse to do something to Serbia.
  • Austria presented Serbia with the ultimatum

    Austria presented Serbia with the ultimatum
    After the assassin Austria presented Serbia with an ultimatum using the assisnatoin as an excuse fo it. Serbia knew that if they blew off it would start a war with Austria. So Serbia agreed to most of the ultimatum. Austria didnt want to negotiate so they started a war.
  • Austria declared war on Bosnia. Russia also ordered mobilization toward the Austrian border

    Austria declared war on Bosnia. Russia also ordered mobilization toward the Austrian border
    Austria then declared war against Bosnia. One of Bosnias allies, mobilized their troops toward the Austrian border. The war had begun.
  • Germany declared war on Russia

    Germany declared war on Russia
    After Austria declared war, Russia as one of Serbia's allies started moving their army towards the Russian-Austrian border. Russia mobilized the German border as weel because they assumed Germany would join Austria. Germany saw Russia’s mobilization along the border as a declaration of war, so on August 1, The Germans declared war against Russia. Which began the great war.
  • Germany declared war on France

    Germany declared war on France
    Two days after Germany declared war on Russia they declared war on France, becasue they knew Russia would look to France to help them because they were allies.
  • Britain declared war on Germany

    Britain declared war on Germany
    Soon after Germany declared war on France, Great Britain declared war on Germany. Most of Europe was engaged in some sort of battle.
  • Allies attack Germany at the 1st Battle of the Marne

    Allies attack Germany at the 1st Battle of the Marne
    The 1st Battle of the Marne was when the Allies regrouped to attack Germany. Many soilders were used and killed including numerous amounts of reinforcements. The German Generals retreated after four days and kept them away from surrounding Frances borders.
  • Ottoman Empire formally joins Central Powers

    Ottoman Empire formally joins Central Powers
    Becasue Germany and Austris-Hungrys were in the center of Europe they were known as the Central Powers. Bulgaria and
    the Ottoman Empire, also in the center of Europe joined the Central Powers so that they could gaining the teritories they had lost.
  • Austrians, with German assistance counter the Russians at the Battle of Limanowa

    Austrians, with German assistance counter the Russians at the Battle of Limanowa
    At the Battle of Limanowa, the Austrians counter the Russians with German assistance. This was significcant because it stopped the Russians plans to invade Germany by going through Austria-Hungary.
  • Allies launch the Gallipoli campaign

    Allies launch the Gallipoli campaign
    The Allies launched the Gallipoli campaign, their effort to take the Dardenelles using only naval forces. This lead to Bulgaria joining the Central Powers and the attack was not a sucsess.
  • Germany sinks the U.S.S. Lusitania

    Germany sinks the U.S.S. Lusitania
    On May 7, 1915 a German submarine sank the Lusitanie, a British passanger, and 1,198 people died. The reason Germany uses for this attack was that the ship was carrying ammunitoin and weapons used for war. This made the Americans very mad because there were 128 Americans who died. So Woodrow Wilson sent a protest to Germany.
  • Germans attack the Allies at Verdun in the Battle of the Somme

    Germans attack the Allies at Verdun in the Battle of the Somme
    The Germans attack the French from February until November of 1916. This battle showed all the aspects of warfare. Trench warfare casued many casualties. In the first day of battle Britian lost 20,000 men and by the end both the Germans and the French lost over 50,000 men.
  • Germans announce their policy of unrestricted submarine warfare

    Germans announce their policy of unrestricted submarine warfare
    Unrestriced submarine warefare was the policy Germany announced saying that they would sink any ship in Great Britains waters with out any warning at all. This created a blockade around Great Britain making it so they could get no reosurces for war or anything else.
  • U.S. intercepts the Zimmermann Note

    U.S. intercepts the Zimmermann Note
    The British intercepted a note from a German named Aurther Zimmermann that was meant for the Mexicans saying that they would help them gain back the land they lost to the US. The British gave this note to the US and it was made public.
  • Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany

    Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany
    The Americans were outraged that the Germans were going to help Mexico take back their land. Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany, and sure enough they did, also meaning that the US had officailly entered World War 1.
  • Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ended Russia’s involvement in WWI

    Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ended Russia’s involvement in WWI
    With the lack of food and supplies in Russia when Vladimir Llyich Lenin took power he insisted to stop all Russian participation in WWI. Russia signed a treaty with Germany, stoping the war with them. This treaty made Russia surrender some portoins of their love and also let German put all their forces on the Western-front.
  • Germany and Russia sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Germany and Russia sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
  • Second Battle of the Marne

    Second Battle of the Marne
    At this battle, the German army had weakened and so the Allies with a fresh group of Americans attacked them with eagerness. The Allied forces grew stronger and the Central Powers crumbled one by one.
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II stepped down from power, Germany declared itself a republic

    Kaiser Wilhelm II stepped down from power, Germany declared itself a republic
    After the second battle of the Marne the German soilders mutinied. The public suddenly turned on Wilhelm 2 and forced him to step down and Germany was declared as a republic.
  • A German representative and French Commander Marshal Foch signed an armistice.

    A German representative and French Commander Marshal Foch signed an armistice.
    A German representative and a French commander met outside of Paris to sign an armistace. Then and there World War 1 had ended and they agreed to stop fighting.